Chapter 1.

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            Eleven years ago when I was only nine years old, my family got in a car crash. A devastating one really, the rest of my family didn't make it out alive, and I barely did. A young boy helped me out of the overturned car. His skin nearly translucent although he looked nothing like a ghost. His hold hand grasped onto my wrist and pulled me out, I tried to get him to help my family who was stuck inside the now burning vehicle, but his dark eyes were only trained on my face. The young boy with the dark skin and almost translucent skin began to disappear before my small self. The sirens of the coming ambulance and police cars heard coming towards us. The rhythimic sounds now pulsing in my ears while the officer wrapped a blanket around my frame.

"Are you alright miss?" The bulky officer said, he was knelt down in front of me with his face to close to mine for comfort. The coffee on his breathe was prominent.

I shook my head slowly, looking at the car that held my family. The firefighters were trying to hurry and put the fire out, though it just seemed to be growing by the second. I heard the yells back and forth between the men trying to save my sister who was crying out in pain as the flames swallowed her exposed legs that were stuck in the smashed back window between the broken glass and the pavement.

The officer in front of me quickly turned me around when he caught me staring at the scene. My sisters screams dulled slowly until you couldn't hear them anymore.

The tears streamed down my face in a rush. Small hiccups escaped my lips as I gripped onto the blanket tighter. Looks of pity were being flashed at me as people rushed by me.

Finally the fire was put out and the remains of my parents were cut away from the melted car. My mothers charred auburn hair somehow had a tint of its color through the black that covered the rest of her body.

If I wasn't going insane before I surely was now.

    I was screaming so loud now that the officer by me covered his ears, my shirt was soaked with my tears. Firefighters and officers all around were rushing to me, checking for burns and trying to calm me down but none of it was working. One straight octave of screams was piercing the air through my lips and I couldn't seem to stop. Short huffs of air and sobs broke through the scream before someone finally came up and put a hand over my mouth from behind. I crossed my eyes to look at the hand, and it was the strange hue of the boy that helped me before. I whipped by head around to stare at the boy, my green eyes meeting his black ones.

"I'm sorry about your parents, but you really shouldn't scream so loud," he whispers, his voice soft and like velvet.

"Is my Mommy and Daddy gone?" I stuttered, voice scratching from the strain of my vocal cords just moments ago.  I wasn't sure why I was asking this stranger about my parents, he wouldn't know any better than I did.

"Yeah they are, but now I have to take them to where they go now." He pulled his hand back from where it was now resting on my cheek.

"You know, I could get in a lot of trouble for not taking you with me too." He whispered in my ear.

Something about him telling me that my parents were gone just made me loose it once again. A fresh stream of tears began to flood from my eyes, sobs ripping through me faster than before, strangled attempts to catch my breath. The boy's eyes widened and he threw his arms around me, holding me close to him comfortingly. I continued to cry and he patted my back steadily.

"What are you doing?" A firefighter spoke behind us.

I turned to him in curiosity. Wasn't it obvious what I was doing?

"Hugging my friend," I replied, hearing the boy chuckle at my use of friend.

"Hun there isn't anyone there." Gesturing directly to the boy

"He cant see me, only you get to because your special." The boy said to me, the firefighter not even looking in his direction. He just continued to look at me like I was insane.

The firefighter shook his head and sighed

"Another ruined childhood," he mumbled under his breath

Turning on his heels he walked away from me and back to the scene leaving the boy and I alone.

"Why cant he see you?" I asked

"Because you were close to death not him, he's merely assistance in the process."

"What's your name?"

He smiled at me, black eyes glistening.

"I'm Death, but I guess you can call me Marco."

(I hope it's alright so far! I didn't want to put to much in the first chapter to give anything else away, so I just cut it off here! Let me know what you think of this story and vote if you enjoy it! Thanks!)

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