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"Lillian Jameson what is the meaning of this!" my mother shrieks as she looks at the note Mr. Bitterman sent home with me today.

"Well mom you see that's an interesting story, I was sitting at my desk quietly passing notes with Mia when suddenly Mr. Bitterman came up and snatched the note right out of my hand. He then proceeded to give me a lecture on how note passing was disruptive to the class even though we were sat in the back and no one noticed us." I explain dramatically

"Lillian" my mother says pinching the bridge of her nose

"You can't pass notes in class even if no one notices. It is a very disrespectful thing to do."


"No buts Lilly " she sighs and looks at the note sent home and signs it.

"Here"she says handing me the note.

"Just please don't get caught if your going to pass notes" she says raising her eyebrows smiling

"Thanks mommy" I say as I kiss her on the cheek and run upstairs to text Mia and see how her patents reacted.

To Mia:

Hey what did your parents say about the note thing?

After a couple of minutes she replies

From Mia:

Fine they just said not to do it again.

To Mia:

Sweet so are we still in for the movies Saturday ???

From Mia:

Ya totally I was thinking we should see Mocking Jay I heard it was awesome!!

To Mia:

Ok Got to go txt you later

From Mia:

Ok bye!!

After that I decided to get a quick shower and then "study" ;). when I get out of the shower I hear my phone buzz and realize Mia texted me.

From Mia:

Hey btw I forgot to ask did you hear about the new guy??

To Mia:

No what new guy???

From Mia:

There's some new guy named Luke he is starting classes tomorrow my mom said he had like tattoos and stuff and he had to move here bc he just got kicked out of his house. He sounds HOT!! though right?

To Mia:

Ya he does you know I love tattoos on a guy.

I really do though I don't know why though I just find it attractive. maybe it's because I find it masculine or whatever.

From Mia :

Ya well I got to go dinners ready so I'll ttyl bye beebs 😘😘😘

I laugh at her silly nick name for me and hear my stomach growl. I groan and go downstairs to see if mom has started dinner yet

"Hey mom what are you cooking"

I ask as I near the end of the stairs

"Chicken Alfredo" she replies not looking up from the pot on the stove.

"Cool so mom I wanted to ask you about maybe going to the movies on Friday with Mia?" I ask hopefully she will say yes

"Umm- sure I guess I have a date Friday with John so that will be alright." she answers still not looking up from the stove.

My mom and John have been dating for like 4 months now. He is really nice and he has a 7 year old son. His wife died during child birth. I know sad right. I know he makes my mom really happy but I'm scared he will leave her like my dad did when the going got tough.

"Hey Lilly we got some new neighbors and I would like you to give them this pie." my mom says handing me a pie.

I take the pie from her grasp and put my shoes on and walk out the door. I walk to the next house and ring the door bell . I stand there for a couple minutes and just as I'm about to walk away when I here the dead bolt unlock. I turn and come face to face with one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen.

My eyes slowly skim the expanse if his shirtless body until I finally reach his eyes. His eyes are also extremely stunning almost like an ocean blue with a slight grey tint. His jet black hair only makes his eyes look bluer.

I am quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I hear him clear his throat. Realizing I've been checking him out for what has probably been at least a minute I direct my attention towards the floor.

"Umm my m-mom wanted to uh give you this pie." I say blushing profusely

" What's your name sweet heart?" He asks I almost choke on air when I realize he called ME sweetheart.

"Lilly" I reply making eye cantact act again

"Well Lilly I'm Luke." as soon as the words leave his mouth it suddenly hits me. This is the new guy Mia was telling me about.

"H-hi Luke" dammit I stuttered again.

" Do you have a speech impediment?" he asks looking slightly amused.

"No" I say gaining my mind back

"Oh sorry I thought you did with all that stuttering" he says chuckling slightly

"Look are you going to take the pie or not?" I question slightly embarrassed he noticed the stuttering.

"Sure" he says as he grabs the pie out of my hand his slightly brushes mine. and I swear it feels like someone set my skin on fire.

As he turns to close the door he winks me the abruptly slams the door in my face. I sit there dumbfounded I have never reacted this way just at a simple encounter with a boy. I decide then and there that I need to stay away from him before I end up like Mia with my heart shattered to bits all because of a boy. and I'm almost certain that's what will happen if I keep this boy around.

(A/N) hey beebs what do ya think??Promise the other chapters will be longer this was just kind of like a test run to see if it was any good. Vote for me to keep writing, and comment on things I should change about the story like make it more descriptive, or hold out there romance,ect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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