The dark carnival faith

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Juggalo. A word that is both surrounded by love and stricken by the shackles of hate. Whether this hate is warranted or not is simply a matter of opinion. I hope this story can teach you a thing or too about a group that is wildly miss understood.

First off juggalos are not a gang. Yes there are individuals who chose to view painting your face as grounds to be a gang but the underlying fact is simply that everyone has a different opinion. And I surly as a juggalo am not a gang member.

Juggalos a family

Juggalos/ juggalettes (the female word for juggalo) refer to each other as family. Some people look down on this but if you just stop and think wouldn't this world be a much better place if we were all a big family and had no "excuse"as to why you hate someone. Racism is not tolerated by juggalos. To quote ICP in there song we belong, " we take all shapes colors sizes and genders" all are welcome to come and learn our ideals as long as they have an open mind just as all are free to leave and have a closed mind.


Juggalos have a strong sense of being and pride amongst themselves and others. And we tend to be very vocal about it with a hearty whoop whoop! Everywhere we go. It's some what like a greeting among other juggalos and friends of juggalos. So if a juggalo says whoop whoop to you it's polite to say whoop whoop back loud enough for them to hear.

Violent juggalos.

There are always violent people. There will always be violent people in the world there always will be. But not all juggalos are violent. Typically juggalos aren't violent but we try to appear that way to scar away others who may hurt us it's some what like an animals natural defense. Juggalos are also generally people who have been through a lot in there lives, emotionally or physically. So protecting ourselves is a must. But again if you just talk to one of us with an open mind most likely we would be just as nice as any other person in this world.

The religion and values

I'd say that the values of a juggalo or following the dark carnival faith are just like what every other human beings are to live life and do your best. In the dark carnival faith we are tough not to be racist and were also taught to do what we want in terms of how we wish to live our lives.

Comparison between Christianity and the dark carnival faith.

Much like Christianity juggalos believe that there is a "heaven" referred to as shangri-la and a "hell" referred to as hells pit. Juggalos also believe in living the type of life that they so choose as I stated earlier. Basically the carnival and jokerscards teach us that if we want to be "good" and do nice things for our fellow man then we have a better chance of going to shangri-la but if we want to hurt our fellow man then were more likely to go to hells pit. But unlike Christianity we don't look at hells pit as a punishment. It is a choice. If you want to be evil then this is what you get you chose it. In the dark carnival faith however the spirits of the carnival,( the ringmaster, the riddle box, the great melinko,and the jeckel brothers, ) give you the ability to redeem yourself in the after life and prove that you deserve a certain destiny, whether it be shangri-la or hells pit.

6 jokers cards.

(These are the Wikipedia definitions of each jokers card of the first deck)

The first joker's card, carnival of carnage, is a representation of the ghettos and the violence that occurs within them. It takes the form of a traveling carnival which releases the same brutality on those who have ignored the inner cities' cries for help. The card issues a warning against the upper class and government's negligence toward the lower classes.

The ringmaster, the second joker's card, is the overseer of the carnival of carnage. He leads " the phantoms of the dead" that take the form of the carnival. The creatures fiercely tear doomed souls from their living bodies and drag them into hell. The ringmaster himself is created through one's own sins, and is one of several who will judge whether a soul is worthy to enter heaven or doomed to eternal hell.

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