Chapter5: Surprises

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Tatiana's POV
"Yaya!" I yelled and she smiled.
"Hey Tati." She said and I ran and hugged her. Yaya was my older cousin by a year and 3 days. She use to live with my mom and I when her parents kicked her out for being a rebel. That was when we were 12. Yeah she's a bad ass while I'm not. She ran away from us when she turned 14 saying that she didn't want to burden us anymore. It's been two years and now she's 17 and back.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO TO MISSY!!" I yelled and she laughed.
"Shut up you'll wake her up." She said. Her who the fuck is she talking about.
"Who the hell are you..." Then I was cut off when a little girl appeared walking down the stairs.
"Mommy I heard scwiming and got scwad." She said and ran to Yaya.
"It's ok baby Mommys here." She said rocking the little girl.
"Yaya when did this happen." Harry and I asked and she smiled at Harry and I.
"Remember the night that Louis and I did it." She said and we nodded. When Yaya and Lou were both 14 they began dating and soon enough had sex. But when Yaya ran away they broke up. Lou had been hurt ever since and he still loves her.
"Well he didn't use protection and then here is little Ariel." She said and Ariel picked her head up from Yayas shoulder and said.
"My mommy says that I'm pwincess." Ariel said smiling. And Harry smiled at her and said.
"Ariel I think you are a princess." And Ariel smiled.
"Ok princess can you go up stairs and go to bed. I have to talk to Harry and Tati ok." She said and Ariel nodded.
"Mommy he won't come wight." She said and Yaya shook her head.
"No baby he won't he doesn't know where we are if you'd like you can stay here with mommy." Yaya said and Ariel nodded. We all sat on the couch and Ariel laid on Yaya.
"Ok Yaya who's the guy that Ariel's talking about?" I asked and she looked down and a tear went down her cheek.
"His name is Angel. He was my boyfriend and he got abusive to Ariel and I. Then s-soon enough I cou-ulnt take it so w-we ran away. H-he almost killed A-Ariel a few times so I had no choice. This was the first place I thought of." She said crying. I felt bad.
"Dose Lou know?" Harry asked. She shook her head.
"No.......he doesn't I'm going to tell him. Ariel knows how he looks and she needs him. I need him." She said and Harry and I nodded.
"I talked to your mom when I first got here she said I can move back in so your stuck with little Ariel here and I." She said and we laughed.
"Harry go get me some pickles please." I said and he nodded. Yaya looked at me puzzled.
"Pickles? You've always hated pickles." She said and I smiled.
"Yaya Ariel's gonna have a little friend in about 6 months. I'm pregnant." I said and she smiled.
"Oh my god congrats Tati. You'll love motherhood it's amazing. Is Harry the dad?" She asked and is shooked my head.
"He's not the biological father but he is the dad. The baby's real fathers a dick and left." I said and she laughed.
"Sorry but don't worry Harry will be an awesome dad even if the baby's isn't his." She said and I nodded. Harry came back with jar of pickles and handed it to me.
"Babe I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow and you,Yaya,Ariel,Lou and I will go out and you miss Yaya can tell Lou about Ariel and she can have her daddy alright." He said and Yaya nodded.
"Okie dokie captin Harry. She said and he laughed leaving the house.
"Alright Yaya how about we go up to my room and catch up." I said and she nodded picking up Ariel and heading up to my room. For the rest if the night we watched movies and talked. I've missed Yaya and I'm happy she's back. And I'm happy I have little Ariel now.

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