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"How do I say this? Mirra, you have special abilities. How can I say? Magical powers."


"Look, your nice and all, but you're officially crazy!" I glare at her.

"No, I'm serious! I think you may have some sort of ability that you can't control."

"You're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not, I wish I was. I am moving you to an orphanage down in Washington. It has kids like you in it."

"Like me?" I give a slight laugh and take a couple steps back.

"Yes. You may not believe me-"

"Of course I don't! Why would I believe a word you are saying? You are speaking nonsense!"

"I know that you don't want to go. Neither did Jacob, but he writes to me every now and again. He says he is doing wonderful. You will go to a school with new people and they can teach you how to control your powers."

"My powers?" I scoff. "Like I said, you're crazy! Why should I go? Give me a reason why I shouldn't just run away or skip my flight?"

"It is the best thing for you right now and you are going to go! Pack your bags tonight, you leave first thing in the morning." And that was that. 

She left without saying another word.

 I am so furious. I just want to know what is happening right now but anyhow, I pack my bags without further question and lie in bed, even though I can't sleep.

I threatened to run away or skip the flight but Ms. Twinkage knows that I would never do that - and so do I.

I look around at the other girls and see how peaceful they are. 

What if Ms. Twinkage is right?  What if I am putting all of these kids in danger?

I sit up in my bed and start looking at my stuff. I have one medium sized suitcase, which is more than enough space to fit my stuff in. 

My mind is in all different places right now. 

Magic. Psh, that's not real. We have been taught that from a young age! But why would she make that up? Have I really been causing all of this trouble? 

I stand up and walk out of the room and into the living room. I am not supposed to be out of the room passed 10:30 but I thought since it's my last day, why not?

I make myself a snack and sit in a chair in the living room. I look around me and only then do I realize, that this place that I have been living in, is beautiful. Some orphanages I have heard of are crap. No heat nor air-conditioning, no beds nor bathroom, and wooden walls with cracks in it. It sad to think about really.

I feel my body give a slight shake starting from my shoulders down to my toes. It's cold in here. I guess I only just realized it. I have been too caught up in my thoughts to think about the temperature. 

I go to the fire place to try and start a fire. I have seen Ms. Twinkage do it, it can't be that hard. I look around a little but we don't have any more newspaper or twigs to get it going. 

Maybe I can get it going without them. I get the match box only to find no matches in side. I sit on my knees in front of the fireplace, trying to avoid going back into the room.

 I replay the conversation I had earlier with Ms. Twinkage, "You aren't normal per se. You have some sort of power, building up inside you." "No, I'm serious! I think you may have some sort of ability that you can't control." 

Power. Magic. It's all fake... isn't it? What if it is real? Are vampires and werewolves real too?

You have some sort of power, building up inside you. Some sort of power.  If I really do have powers then I should be able to light the fire.

 I stand up and hold my arms out, hands facing the fireplace. All I think about is lighting the fire. Fire, fire, fire. Nothing. 

I try again, this time though, I close my eyes. Light the fire, come one, light! I peak one eye open and nothing happened. 

See? I told her she was crazy!  I knew it. I don't have powers. If anyone saw me right now, they would send me to a mental hospital.

I sit down in the chair covering my legs with my shirt. It's so cold in here. I wish magic really was real. Then I could light a fire and zap myself out of here. 

I'm drifting off to sleep when out of nowhere, I hear a loud menacing noise and plug my ears in a single motion.

 "The hell?" 

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