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"And that's all for today" Nandini finished her lecture with the usual satisfaction which she thought she received only after doing a good day's work. And today she felt she deserved a special treat because despite Manik's presence in the class, even though he had sat on his yesterday's place beside the dumb Diya (who was awake today by the way!), and behind the tall Saransh, though Nandini had still been aware of his eyes on her every second, she had still managed to deliver quite a good lecture in a measured voice and also without making any goof ups like that of yesterday. Yesterday's realistic self pep talk had helped.

Nandini turned to collect her books from the table when the whispering gossips paused her actions.

"What a hottie!"

"How can someone be so drop dead gorgeous?"

"And on top of that he's a NRI"

"Good looks and a background of minting money. What else does a girl want?"

The dreamy voices of the girls who undoubtedly had started crushing on Manik settled something cold inside Nandini's stomach. She knew she was no match for their hot bodies and perfect figures. The only reason why those girls were scared of her while at the same time respected her was because she was sincere in her work and also a very strict professor when it came to marking the exam papers. Had she been a student, she sure as hell wouldn't have got a spot in the 'It' crowd.

But guess what, there was something which these girls did not have and could never have. Something which Nandini had forever. And that was...memories of and with Manik. These girls didn't know that he was a sucker for chocolates, or at least he was in his childhood. They had no idea that his favorite color was red and his obsession with it always ensured that the curtains of his room as well as the house were of that color. He could never eat alone, hated it actually. He liked gazing at the stars, and joining the NASA had been his dream. He was an adventurer, always up for camping, and surfing was his second love after food.

Nandini sighed. She knew a lot more but then that was all she had, memories. She had no idea what or who he was now and for her own sanity, she knew she had to stay away from finding out.

"Excuse me ma'am?"

"Oh my god!" Nandini turned with a gasp and dropped her books.

"You still have the habit of getting lost in your thoughts" Manik grinned.


Smiling, he bent to pick up the books.

"Oh no, thanks" Nandini sat on her knees immediately. "I'll get it" In her haste she ended up keeping her hand on Manik's and the shock of the electric reaction made her look up in alarm so quick that she ended up bumping her head against his chin.

"Ow!" Manik chuckled while rubbing his chin as Nandini cursed herself for not being able to stop herself from becoming a nervous wreck. Again! Who had she been kidding? Last night's pep talk hadn't helped at all!

"I'm sorry" Scared to death, Nandini looked around and took a sigh of relief when she saw that the classroom was empty.

"It's okay" Manik stacked the books neatly into a pile and handed them to her.

Nandini avoided looking in his eyes. "Thanks"

"Anything for you ma'am"

That made her look up. "So, what is it?"

"I just wanted to confirm about our arrangement"

"Arrangement?" When had they met an arrangement? She hadn't come out of her room last night to bid even a goodbye to the Malhotras and Dhawans.

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