Kissing on a First Date

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Negan waited downstairs while Rae changed into the clean shirt she'd found hung up in the wardrobe. It would have been the perfect opportunity for him to offer her a helping hand but the dead man with his head caved in ruined the mood more than just a little bit. So he waited, patiently, and when she hopped down the stairs with her hair scraped into a messy bun and a psychedelic shirt that came up three sizes too big his throat was suddenly dry. He shifted from foot to foot trying to think of something smart to say before simply blurting, "you look nice."

Rae did a double take, her brow creasing with suspicion before she looked at her shirt and laughed, "thanks, I guess."

Shit. Negan cleared his throat, mentally moving the subject swiftly on. He didn't compliment women, at least not their clothes. He praised them for how tight their pussy was or how great they were at sucking his dick. He didn't tell them that with their hair tied up their ivory skin looked as soft as satin or anything as pathetic as that. "So where do you wanna go princess?"

"I dunno," she shrugged, her fingers worrying the hem of her shirt, "where do you wanna go?"

With no money to think about and no long lines you'd imagine the world would be your oyster but it wasn't like that and Negan felt fresh out of good ideas. All he could do was smile and feel the way his heart was thudding with what were certainly nerves. Jesus, even his palms were sweating, he needed to grab the bull by the horns here. "Why do I feel like this is our first date?" he laughed, trying honesty on for size.

"Because we hardly know each other," she said a little too fast and he couldn't help but think of Timmy. It pissed him off, god he hated that fucker and even the mere mention of his name.

"So let's get to know each other Red. I mean, that is what I fucking came here to do," he stepped closer to her, his hands bunched into her ugly shirt to pull her towards him, "I wanna know you a whole lot better, inside and out."

A small smile quirked at her lips and a blush graced her cheeks as she tugged her shirt from his fingers with the slightest nod that told him she wanted the same thing. He followed Rae out of the kitchen door, grabbing Lucille, the box of Trojans ferreted away in his pockets. Truthfully he didn't care where they went as long as it ended somewhere that had a nice soft landing for when he threw her down like he'd pictured doing everyday since he'd met her.

Rae glanced over her shoulder before they reached the car, her eyes looking past him to the little town. "Me and Tim can come back here tomorrow," she said more to herself than to him but the very idea stopped Negan in his tracks and it wasn't just because the sound of Timmy's name made his stomach turn with the kind of rage that got Lucille thirsty.

He turned to face the street. There were a couple of roamers that had appeared since they'd cleared the road, behind doors and windows he could see a few more. The notion of Rae being here with Timmy watching her back made his blood run like ice. It had been so easy for her to be grabbed my a dead man, a split second of distraction and suddenly the only thing keeping her alive was the thickness of her coat. He had the urge to hold her again, pick her up and take her all the way home with him. Instead he began marching in long strides towards the ambling dead, "fuck that, let's just check out the rest of the houses right now."

"You're kidding me?" she called, "I thought all work and no play wasn't healthy?"

Negan swung Lucille to crack the first skull, "letting you loose with Timmy isn't exactly fucking healthy either."

He knew that no matter what he said or did there was no way she would ever sit tight on the farm and out of danger. He could only pray they found a store of food in this one horse town that meant she could hold off scavenging long enough for him to donate some supplies. The amount he was wanting to give her was getting larger with each passing thought as he bust open a door to the next house and he felt her following behind, his mind racing at the possibility of some danger lurking to snatch her away.

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