Chapter Five

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"Paul, I'm fine," Hannah assured him again. He leaned against the locker next to hers with worried eyes.

"I genuinely forgot last night. I didn't mean to ruin things for you and Jared." Paul frowned and Hannah smiled and looked up to him.

"The date was fine but I don't think there was anything there. You didn't ruin anything." Hannah assured him and shut her locker.

"Han, you don't have to-"

"I'm going to the bathroom." She handed over her binder and escaped before Paul could give her a life lesson.

Leah was crying and two girls that Hannah only knew by their surnames were comforting her. "He couldn't even get it up. I mean have I gotten fat?"

The three girls looked up when Hannah came in and they instantly straightened. Leah wiped at her face and Hannah hurried into a stall.

She heard the door open and assumed the friends had left but she could still hear sniffling so she knew Leah hadn't left.

Hannah took a deep breath and left the stall, looking only at her reflection in the mirror as she washed her hands.

"I thought it was some dumb rumor when I first heard. It sounded stupid. My boyfriend and Hannah Littlesea having a 'moment' in the hallway for everyone to see. I laughed it off and assured the girls that Sam and I were fine." Hannah froze her hands under the running tap.

"Leah, I-"

"Did you know our Moms are- were second cousins?" Leah asked and Hannah winced at the past tense.

"No, I didn't," Hannah whispered.

"So my family is probably one of the only ones on the Rez that actually knows what happened to your mother. That it wasn't a heart attack. So I get why you probably seek comfort a lot and Sam is a softie so he doesn't think about things like that." Leah told her and Hannah frowned.

"Leah, there's nothing going on between us. Sam and I are just friends." Hannah said and Leah scoffed.

"I know that. Sam would never cheat on me but you have no such loyalties to me. So let me make this perfectly clear. Sam is my boyfriend and yeah we're going through a rough patch right now but we'll get through it." Leah told her and took one last glance in the mirror before storming out of the bathroom.

Hannah collected herself and made her way to English where Paul was waiting, ready with more words of wisdom.

"Not now Paul!" Hannah snapped her binder from him and took her seat, ignoring his wounded expression.

Hannah spent the day ignoring Paul who was trying to figure out what he did wrong and in result was very annoyed by the time she made it to the table at lunch.

Jared had returned to his usual seat, leaving the one beside her open. He offered her a weak smiled and she sighed but forced a smile.

"It's okay, I feel the same. Still friends?" Hannah asked and he nodded in relief. Paul took his seat and glared at Hannah before beginning to eat.

"You're being a child." She told him and he huffed, spreading crumbs everywhere.

"You snapped at me." He spoke around his food and Hannah raised an eyebrow at him.

"You caught me at a bad moment. I'm afraid I'm not having a very good day." Hannah told him and he pulled a face.

"Doesn't mean you can take it out on me." He pouted and Hannah rolled her eyes before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She was hugging him from the side, pinning one of his arms in place with her body and the other with her hands.

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