Bars and Cabs

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Hallie was certain that after the atrocious morning she had on her way to her new internship, her day had to get better. She chose to think that if she could think positively, positive things would happen. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Hallie had hoped she would be the exception. 

She arrived into her first day at work with three minutes to spare, her hair plastered messily to her forehead from running down the sidewalk, only to have to turn around and run the other way because she realized she went the wrong way. Her feet hurt, and were still bare, as she walked into the building with a huge sigh of relief. The lady at the front desk gave her an awkward look, and Hallie had half a mind to give her one right back, as she had hair that was too white and make up that was too heavy. Instead, Hallie pressed her lips together and smiled with just her lips, trying to look more confident than she actually felt. 

She had already forgotten about the guy on the bus who loaned her money. 

"Can I help you?" The girl at the front desk asked her.

"My name is Hallie Bennett," she began, and was looking for some sort of expression of recognition. When she received none, she awkwardly added, "I'm supposed to start my internship with Mr. Brassfield today." 

A small smirk emerged on the other girl's face, the corners of her mouth being tugged at slightly. "Of course, Ms. Bennett. Have a seat right over there." She pointed to a row of black leather chairs surrounding a black coffee table. "Harold will be right with you." 

Hallie walked over to the cluster of chairs, thankful that she had a minute to sit down, put some shoes on, and recollect herself. Sitting across from her was a young woman who looked to be about her same age, with striking black hair that fell just above her shoulders and even more striking features. She wore red heels that looked to be about three inches taller than Hallie's, and a gold charm bracelet clung to the other girl's wrist so delicately that Hallie had to fight the urge to reach out and touch it. 

Trying not to think about the other girl staring at her, Hallie pulled at her blouse, trying to prevent it from clinging to her stomach too tightly. She crossed her legs and uncrossed them, and pulled at the ends of her hair nervously. Hallie could feel the other girl's eyes on her at all times, judging her. 

Bitch, Hallie thought, but smiled. The other girl did not return it. 

After a torturous amount of time waiting, Hallie noticed a man walking towards them, wearing a smile on his face so bright that Hallie knew it had to be fake. He was dressed elegantly in a navy blue suit, a white dress shirt tucked underneath, and a silk black tie running down his chest. "You must be Hallie," he smiled as he approached her, and she stood. To her surprise, the other girl stood as well. "And you must be Lucille." He smiles again, inconspicuously sliding his gaze up and down Lucille. Hallie noticed. 

Light stubble sprinkled the man's jaw line. He began to talk to the two girls. "We are so very excited to have you joining us today." His eyes sparkled as he looked back from Hallie to Lucille. "At Brassfield we strive for excellence, and we are sure that you two young woman will not let us down. Come along, now, and I'll show you to where your office will be at." 

An office? Hallie hadn't imagined she would be getting her own office. Trying to hide her excitement, she internally squealed and followed behind Lucille, who was walking more elegantly than Hallie could have ever walked even if she tried. Her heels clicked against the black marble floor, and Hallie took notice of the theme in the building - black and white. From the floor to the ceiling and everything in between, it was either black or white, with only a splash of color every so often in the form of a flower vase or decorative pillow. She ran her hands along the wooden walls as Mr. Brassfield talked animatedly in front of her. Hallie could hardly be bothered to pay attention, though; she was in her own world thinking about her new, fabulous life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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