"You guys ready?" Jacky yelled from the bottem of the stairs. "Almost!" I yelled back. Brandy and I was finishing getting ready to go out to dinner to talk wedding details. "Does this look good?" Brandy asked me as we walked out of my room. She had white skinnys and a shirt Nick had made her. "Yeah, what about me?" I asked. I had red skinnys and Jackys Motley Crue shirt on. "Hell ya." She said as we walked down stairs. "You look good babe." Jacky said as he kissed me and we headed to the car.
We arrived at the restron where Nick was waiting for us. "Hey." Jacky said as we walked up to Nick who already had us a table. "Hey. You looked good babe." Nick said to Brandy as he got up and pulled out her chair. "Thanks." She said as she sat down and he kissed her. "Cute. So we hurd the news." I said looking at Nick. "Yeah. Im exited." Nick said smiling at Brandy. "That makes two of us." Jacky said laughing as the waiter took our drink orders. "So, where here to talk wedding details am I right?" Nick said. "Yeah, Cyndy has this amazing idea." Brandy said smiling at me. "Lets hear it." Nick said looking at me. "Well, wouldnt it be awesome to have two friends get married the same day and same time?" I asked him. "Like a double wedding?" Nick asked me. "Yeah. Brandy and I wanted to do that." I said smiling. "Hell, im up for it as long as Jacky is." Nick said looking at Jacky. "I done told her im up for it if you are." Jacky said to him. "A double wedding it is." Nick said as he held up his glass. "Agreed." Jacky said as he held up his to Nicks. "Four friends getting married they same day." I said holding mine up as well. "To friends." Brandy said holding hers up. "Friends." We all said as he clinked our glassed together.
"So exited!" I said as Jacky and I got back from dinner. Brandy had went home with Nick. "I take it Nick said yes." Courteny said laughing from the couch. "Yup, now to think, you two dont have to fight over made of honor." I said laughing. "That is true." Courtney siad still laughing. "Ronnies bestman." Jacky said as he sat on the couch across from Courtney. "Yupp." I said as I sat in Jackys lap. "What about Ronnie?" Ronnie said coming down stairs. "Where going to have a double wedding and your the bestman." Jacky said to him. "Can the bestman walk the bride down the isle?" Ronnie said as he sat on the couch next to Courtney. "Shit, yeah. Hes my brother, hes going to walk me down the isle." I said looking at Jacky. "Im sure that will work." Jacky smiling at me. "Good." I said as I kissed him.
The next day, I was sitting on the couch watching tv. Courtney was gone on a date with Johnny, Jacky and Derek had gone to some guitar convention, and Brandy was still at Nicks. "What are you doing sis?" Ronnie said as he walked into the livingroom. "Nothing. I havent been this bored in so long." I said surfing the channels. "It hasnt been just you in me for over a year now. Its kinda nice." Ronnie said as he sat next to me. "Yeah, cant belivie it, but I miss it." I said laughing. "You want me to teach you how to play morden war fair?" He asked me. "Sure." I said as I grabbed a controler as Ronnie turned on the xbox. "Let me go get some chips and drinks." Ronnie said as he ran into the kitchen. "Why?" I asked confussed. "Once you get into the game, you wont wanna move." Ronnie said laughing from the kitchen. "And you think ima get soo deep into the game, I wont want to get my own food?" I asked giving him a funny look as he walked back into the livingroom with two bags of chips and a six back of pespi and mt dew. "Thats the point." Ronnie said as he grabbed the other controler and sat next to me. "So how does this work?" I said as Ronnie signed in. "You'll see." Ronnie said as he took my controler adn signed me in on Dereks gammer tag. "Now what?" I said looking at Ronnie. "I'll get a game going. Just us so I can teach you for the big game." Ronnie said smirking as he got the game ready. "How to do you shoot and shit?" I asked looking at the controler. "You shoot with this, change guns with this, and move with that." Ronnie said showing me the buttens. "Okay. I think I got it." I said as the game started. "Find me. Kill me. Thats the consept." Ronnie said as he started to look for me. "I got this." I said laughing as I looked for Ronnie. I soon found him without him knowing and killed him. "You learn well my friend." Ronnie said looking at me. "Yay." I said as we started another game.
"Hey, guess whos back." Jacky said as him and Derek came threw the door a few hours later. "Shut up." I said stairing at the tv. "Huh?" Jacky said shocked. "Kicking Ronnies ass. Must focus." I said as I started shooting Ronnie on the game. "Oh my god. Ronnie what have you done." Jacky said laughing. "Hey, it runs in the family. It was only a matter of time." Ronnie said laughing as he tried to get away, but it was to late. I found him and shot him. "Yes! I won! 30 kills in a row!" I yelled as I jumped up and down on the couch. "And heres your prize." Jacky said as he picked me up and kissed me. "I like the prize." I said smiling at him. "Okay. Brother sister time. Not Jacky Cyndy time." Ronnie said as Jacky put me down. "I love my brother." I said as I jumped on Ronnies back. "Smile." Jacky said as he got out his phone. "Cheese!" I yelled as Jacky took a picture of me on Ronnies back. 'Brother and sister time.' Jacky said in the tweet as he tweeted the picture. "I like it." I said as I got off Ronnies back and saw the picture on twitter. "Good." Jacky said as he kissed me head. "And the momments gone." Ronnie said as he took the empty bags of chips and emtpy cans in the kitchen. "Your the bestest tho!" I said running into the kitchen and hugged him. "Yeah, yeah." Ronnie said as he picked me up and squezzed me. "Dorks." Brandy said as she came home and walked into the kitchen. "No, you missed it. Ronnie got her to play modern war fair and kicked Ronnies ass." Jacky said laughing. "Really?" Brandy said looking at me. "Yeah! Wanna see?" I said exited. "No!" Jacky yelled as he coverd Brandys mouth before she could answer. I just laughed.
"You wanna watch a movie?" Jacky said as he walked into the livingroom with a bag of popcorn. "Sure. Silent Hill!" I said extied as I jumped up and put the movie in. "Whats Silent Hill?" Brandy asked me. "Only the best horror movie. Ever!" I said as I sat back on the couch next to Jacky. "If you say so." Brandy said laughing. "Random question. What day our we getting married?" Jacky asked out of no where. "That was random. But, I dunno." I said looking at Brandy. "Well, today is what? April 3rd?" Brandy said looking at her phone. "Yeah." I said to her. "Nick said he wanted it to be in the summer and he didnt care what day." Brandy said looking at me. "How about June 20th?" Jacky said looking at me. "I dont know, June seams to soon." Brandy said. "I got it! July 18th." I said smiling at Jacky. "Sounds good to me." Jacky said smiling back at me. "I like it. Why that date tho?" Brandy asked me. "Its summer and 18 is my favorite number." I said laughing. "Nice." Brandy said laughing as well. "July 18th it is." Jacky said as he kissed my cheek. "July 18th for what?" Ronnie said as he walked into the livingroom. "The wedding." I said smiling at him as he sat next to Jacky. "Thats when you plan to get married?" Ronnie said looking at us werid. "Yeah." I said. "Dont you think thats to soon?" Ronnie asked. "Nick wants to get married in the summer and I like the number 18." I said giving him a funny look. "Then just wait another year. I think its to soon." Ronnie said as he looked at the tv. "No. Its my wedding. Along with Brandy, Jacky, and Nick. We all desided this and thats whats going to happen." I said getting smart with him. "Whatever." Ronnie said as he got up and went to his room. "Whats gotten into him?" I said looking at Brandy. "I think he doesnt want his sister to grow up." Jacky said looking at me. "Hes going to have to get over that then." I said as I started the movie. "Cyndy, go talk to him." Brandy said looking at me. "Fine." I said as I got up to talk to Ronnie.
"Can I come in?" I said opening his room door. "If you want." Ronnie said as he was writing lyrics. "What you doing?" I asked him as I sat beside him. "Writing." Ronnie said short. "I know why your acting like this." I said looking at him. "Acting what way?" He asked me looking confussed. "You dont want me to grow up." I said to him. "I guess." He said as he conutied to write. "Ronnie. Talk to me." I said making him look at me. "Ok. I dont want you to grow up. I dont want us to grow apart." Ronnie said as he got up and kicked his nightstand. "Ronnie, were not going to." I said looking at him. "Then how come this past year we've barely bonded? The video game thing today was probley the only time." Ronnie said eatting louder. "Thats because you were in rehab half the year." I said standing up as well. "Whos fault is that?" Ronnie said looking at me with pain in his eyes. "Ronnie. Thats nones fault." I said looking at him shocked. "Yeah, if you didnt like Jacky, you would have never hurt yourself." Ronnie said turning away from me. "I wouldnt have hurt myself if you wasnt an ass about me and Jacky." I said jerking him to look at me. "Ever since I introduced to the band, you've changed. What happend to the sister I had a long time ago?" Ronnie said getting hateful. "Ronnie. Im still here. Im still your sister and I will always be your sister." I said on the edge of crying. "Then prove it." Ronnie said as a tear fell down his cheek. I didnt say nothing just attacked him in a hug and cried. "Your the only family I have left." Ronnie said hugging me tight. "I know. Its hard, but we will get threw this. Jacky is part of the family now. You have to accept that." I said looking up at him. "I know and I will." Ronnie said as he whiped his eyes. "Lets have home video night. Where we sit and watch videos of us when we was younger. What do you say?" I said smiling at him. "I would like that." Ronnie said smiling at me as well as we both walked back into the livingroom to finish watching Silent Hill.

Brother of Rock (A Jacky Vincent Love Story)
FanfictionCyndy, a normal girl that lives with her brother, Ronnie Radke, gets drapped on his first big tour. She meets the band for the first time when the bus leaves for the first gig and spots a black hair british guy, Jacky Vincent. She amadently is attra...