In a big fancy office, *fifty shades of gray flashbacks* a small man paced in circles. He stopped by a long mirror hanging on the door. Standing up straight and trying to make himself as tall as he could, he gazed at his reflection like Narcissus staring at his reflection. He smoothed out the wrinkles of his fancy new suit. Soft knocking on the door followed by his secretary's voice interrupted his mirror gazing session.
"Yes?" He waited for her to open the door.
"Mr. Grimborn, the meeting is ready for you." The secretary shyly poked her head inside the room. *low-key trying to reference fifty shades ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
"Thank you, Heather." Viggo stepped out and followed her to the conference room.
Viggo should have been paying attention to the meeting but all he could think of was how horrible everyone's outfits were. Heather had the brightest green shirt ever. He could see it under her failed attempt to hide it behind the black vest she was wearing. Even his own dear brother was a fashion disaster.
Business was all about looks. If you looked right, you got the cases. If people found you or your clothes attractive, you could work your way up the business ladder without doing anything at all. His firm was so established that Heather and Ryker looking like crap wasn't the end of the world, but he would lecture them about their fashion choices later. They had gone over this a million times and they still dressed idiotically.
"Your press has been targeting our business recently," Viggo said with irritation. "My apologies from diverting us from the other topics you may have come to discuss, but this must be addressed."
The person he was referring to, of course, was Hiccup Haddock. A young, small man, who had the worst fashion sense Viggo had ever seen. He had witnessed the boy wear a red shirt with a brown suit and a red bowtie to a business meeting. With green pants. If that wasn't bad enough, the clothing was often bedraggled and dirty.
Viggo could shudder just thinking about it.
Anyway, he turned his attention back to the man in front of him. He needed to get into his mind. He was trying to take down Viggo's business with small scams in a small newspaper. Viggo would make him realize that that just wouldn't work. The reality of what money and power like Viggo's could do would be revealed to him soon, and Viggo could relish victory as Hiccup stopped targeting him.
Hiccup was trying to threaten Viggo with this meeting, but Viggo would be the one doing the threatening.
He would defeat that Hiccup Haddock.
(And give him some fashion tips along the way).
"Ah yes, Mr. Grimborn, I-"
Viggo stopped him. A small smile crossed his lips and he found it hard not to chuckle.
"I know who you are and what you want, Hiccup Haddock. You really think I wouldn't bother to know about the person who is targeting my business?" Viggo sneered.
"Ah, yes, of course." Hiccup stuttered.
Viggo tried his hardest to conceal his amusement. The boy didn't seem like much of a threat, at least not yet. Not to mention his bright green pants were distracting him, the boy needed some serious wardrobe redesign.
*sassy Viggo mode on*
"Now, tell me, how are you going to ruin me if you can't even dress properly?"