Fake Love

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" i've been down so long, it look up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showing fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face
I've been down so long it look up to me, they look up to me
I got fake people showing fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face

Something ain't right when we talking
Something ain't r-

I was finishing up my make up as I sang along to My favorite song when my doorbell went.

I furrowed my brows wondering who could be there since it was Saturday and I didn't expect any visitors.

I switched tabs in my iMac to the security screen that was installed for my apartment's front door, sighing once I saw who it was.

I turned down the music, making my way out of my bedroom towards the door.

"Dad," I said with my usual sarcastic enthusiasm.

"Mitchell honey. I came down to check on my Soho apartment and decided to stop by here," he said as I moved aside so he could come in.

"You came by here just to see me," I asked a little skeptically.

"Well, you are my daughter. & your neighborhood is right next to mine...still don't understand why you chose to live in TriBeCa over my place," he said taking a look around.

Here we go, I thought as I followed behind him.

"I told you before dad, I wanted my own place, as in something I got independently." I explained what he'd already heard a thousand times.

That was only part of the reason actually. My dad himself lived all the way in upstate New York, but owned a few property in the city.

The thing is, If I did stay at his place on Soho, I knew he was besties with the staff there- who he'd have no problem in asking to always check on me or give him updates.

I was 25 years old goddamnit, and a girl needed her privacy.

"How's work?" He asked from the living room, as I went and got him a glass of water (the only type of liquid I had in my refrigerator)

"It's work-y" I joked as I handed him the glass, sitting next to him unwrapping my hair scarf. I really didn't want to discuss work on the weekend.

He was midway drinking the water, when he pulled back the glass.

"Do You wear your hair like that to the office honey?" He asked.

"No, but I just washed it...and you know how frizzy and curly it gets from that," I said yanking at one of my strands.

"Oh, I was just about to tell you that you won't make partner if you don't keep that sleek pony you're used to doing," he said as he adjusted his cuff link.

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