making new friends with a girl called ali and a boy called simon

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----------------------------------------------------------Danielle point of view-------------------------------------------------  when we broke the kiss we looked at each other for a few minutes then i got up and Sasuke got up to. um sorry i didn't mean to kiss you. no it's fine i kissed back when i shouldn't of done well i better go see you soon. wait why did you kiss me back you could of pushed me but you didn't. Sasuke you all ready know why i kissed back it's the same reason you kissed me well see you later Sasuke.

------------------------------------------------Sasuke point of view-----------------------------------------------------------

how could i kiss Danielle could i love her? but i never loved anyone in my life. could it be i got to close to her? after thinking about if i did love Danielle or not i went to the training ground when i got there i saw Naruto. hey Sasuke how's you and your girlfriend. oh umm she's not my girlfriend. Huh? hey what's up?  well you you didn't you kissed Danielle. yeah i did. did she kiss you back? yeah i asked her why she kissed me back cause she could of pushed me away but she didn't she said that she kissed me for the same reason i kissed her. ha ha she loves you just like you love her. yeah but we are not going out. yeah thats cause you don't want to make a mess up of your friendship with her and she doesn't want to mess up her friendship with you so if you love her go after her.

--------------------------------------------------Danielle point of view----------------------------------------------------

when i walked away from Sasuke i went  to find my friends i went to the school but couldn't find them i looked in the training ground but still didn't find them so i went to their houses Beatrice wasn't in. Lucy wasn't in her house. Louise wasn't in her house so i went to Hannah's house and hope she was there with my friends. so i knocked on the door and Hannah opened the door. hey Hannah i was looking all over for you guys. opps sorry Danielle next time we will let you know where we are. thanks. oh Danielle we got new friends who we want you to meet. when we went in side there was a girl and a guy. the girl was kinda the same height as me but only a little smaller. and the guy was a little bit taller than me. Danielle this is ali and this is simon. nice to meet you guys. you too Danielle they both said. hey guys i got something to tell you. what is it!? they all said. well you know the way you said Sasuke likes me and i will like him. yeah!. well he kissed me and i kinda like kissed back. wooooo you like him and he likes you! they all said again. yeah but we are not going out i don't want to mess up our friendship. well if you really like him just have a go and go out with him Ali said. yeah maybe be but i'm happy being his friend at the minute even if i do have a little bit of feelings for him beside's i didn't mean to kiss him back and i'm sure he didn't mean to kiss me cause he's not into having a girlfriend. ah but he could change his mind. maybe. well i better go see you guys soon and nice meeting you Ali and simon i know we will be best friends. see you soon Danielle they all said then ali and simon said nice meeting you too and yeah we will be best friends then after that i was gone.

--------------------------------------------Sasuke point of view-----------------------------------------------------------

when i was walking home i saw Danielle coming out of her friends house i was going to run to her but then i thought no she would want me with her so i just went to my house until Danielle stopped at her door and saw me. hey Sasuke umm you know the way i haven't unpacked yet well i still haven't done it so could you help me? oh yeah sure i guess. thanks Sasuke. when i came into Danielle house we started on her room i was just putting stuff where i think she would put them until i saw a picture of a little kid and a mum and a dad. Danielle got beside me looking at the picture. this was me when i was a little kid as you can tell i haven't changed much and this was my mum and dad. ha you look like your mum. ha ha every funny but your right but then she put her tongue out at me. you know you shouldn't do that oh really why? i grabbed her then kissed her again like i did last time and again she kissed back when we broke the kiss we looked at each other Danielle smiled at me then she pushed my arms away from her then got back to work.Danielle would you like to go out with me sometime i mean as friends. yeah sure as friends then she smiled at me again. after we finished unpacking it looked pretty nice now. and it was late. hey Danielle can i stay over here for one day? but i don't have two beds. it's ok i can sleep on your bed but nothing will happen. well ok just make sure nothing happens. ok thanks Danielle.

-------------------------------------------Danielle point of view--------------------------------------------------------

i cant believe i let Sasuke sleep in the same bed as me why did i say yes and why did i kiss him again...maybe my friends are right maybe i do love him maybe i do have feelings for him well i'll tell my friends about that they maybe right


hey hoped you like it and looks like Danielle and Sasuke are falling in love sweet. more coming soon :)

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