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Ava's POV

I gasp at my Aunt in horror as I take in the words she just spoke to me.


"You heard me," Her voice was firm and cold.
"Give me your NerveGear and Amusphere."

"B-But why?" I stuttered out. "My grades are great and I haven't been getting into that much trouble-"

"It's not because of that Ava," My aunt cut me off with a sigh.
"Look, I was so happy when I found you and your sister but, I was scared I was going to lose you, twice. How do you think I felt when I saw the eldest daughter of my little sister in a coma, stuck in a video game? Don't even get me started about Gun Gale Online. Going into that dangerous mission with Kirigaya, for something that could have killed you?! You didn't even ask me if I was okay with it!"

"I'm almost an adult now Aunt Kayano," I barked back.
"I can handle myself-"

"Just like you were before? That's too much responsibility Ava!" She huffed, her eyes seemed teary.

"But I was able to support me and Aiko, wasn't I?! I was doing just fine before you came too!"

I suddenly regretted what I had just said, it seemed my words cut her like a knife.

But...I still didn't stop.

I was angry.

And at those stupid moments, there's no way of stopping myself.

"Where were you anyway?! After my mother died?! Aiko and I could have skip so much pain if you just payed attention to us! I wouldn't have had to put up with that bastard-like father! And how do you think I felt when he had me trapped in ALO?! I felt so weak and helpless! You will never understand the pain that I went through, the struggle of watching your friends die in front of you-"


My eyes widen as I clutched my cheek.

"Enough with your selfishness." I no longer felt like I was talking with my Aunt Kayano anymore.
"You need to take in the feelings of other people."

I know that...

That's all I've been trying to do..

I'm sorry...

I just broke down.

Aunt Kayano,

Please don't take away Virtual Reality from me..

I won't be able to see Yui and the others...


I beg you!

Suddenly, she walked over to my NerveGear and Amusphere, unplugging them from the wall.

"Aunt Kayano, please-" I begged only to be cut off.

"Enough Ava! It was time I started being tougher with you and Aiko. I'm taking her's too, along with Alben's."

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