|| eight ||

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Taehyung was walking back over to Jungkook, looking more relieved than he had before he went off with Hoseok. What had his friend said?

Jungkook's mother was getting visibly irritated that Jungkook still hadn't joined her, but Namjoon had a death grip on his wrist. "I'm acting in your best interest," Namjoon said, continuing his mission to try and talk reason into Jungkook. "What's wrong with that?"

Jungkook's back stiffened. "I love you, hyung, but this is my decision. If you can't accept it, feel free to leave."

"It's a stupid decision, Jungkook."

Jungkook winced but held his ground. "Nevertheless, I made the decision. Anyways, it's not like I'm going to actually marry Tae. He's going to break up with me."

Taehyung cleared his throat as he stopped next to Jungkook. "What do you want, Namjoon? What outcome at this moment would make you happy? Do you want me to tell Jungkook's parents that we've been lying to them? How will that make him look? He'd be worse off than he was before they mistook me as Taehyeon."

"First off, it's Kim Namjoon-ssi to you," Namjoon said, eyes narrowing. His jaw ticked "If you dare hurt Jungkook..."

"Yeah, I know," Taehyung said dryly. "You'll find out about my wicked past and throw it in my face. But good luck with that. I'm a pretty boring guy. Have fun finding anything shiny enough to catch your interest."

Watching Tae now, Jungkook had a hard time believing that Taehyung was boring, but he was fairly certain Tae was no hardened criminal or gang leader. Namjoon would probably have to do a lot of digging to discover anything scandalous about Kim Taehyung. Jungkook had no hidden fantasies about dating a bad boy, and Taehyung's chivalry, good looks, and charming personality screamed everything but bad boy. In all honesty, Jungkook was attracted to Tae a lot more than he'd like to admit. Their "relationship" was ending soon. He couldn't get too attached to Tae.

And that filled Jungkook with more disappointment than he had a right to feel.

Namjoon pointed a finger at Taehyung. "If I do find anything, I'll whip so many lawsuits around you that you'll regret this day."

Tae shrugged, looking unimpressed. "Suit yourself."

Hoseok, who had trailed his way to them as well, laughed from behind them. "He made a pun and is standing up to you, Joonie. Now I really like him."

Taehyung gave Hobi a conspiratorial grin before turning to Jungkook. "Your mother doesn't look to happy. Maybe we should go play the happy couple."


Tae put his arm around Jungkook's waist, looking very much like an attentive boyfriend.

"Don't think this is over," Namjoon nearly hissed.

Tae led Jungkook away from Namjoon, leaning into his ear as they made their way over to Jeon Ae-ri and her friends. "Has your hyung always been..."


"I had another word in mind, but that works, I guess."

Jungkook laughed. "He wasn't always like this. Namjoon-hyung used to be more happy and carefree, but he's become more serious and..."


Jungkook released a heavy sigh as they climbed the steps. "He really does mean well. It's just that after the whole incident with his parents..." He trailed off a bit, biting his bottom lip. "His father had been cheating on his mother. And then his father filed for divorce, leaving his mother with barely anything. She died four years after that. Now hyung's a divorce attorney who specializes in representing women who've been screwed over in their marriages. And he makes sure they don't get screwed over in their divorces either."

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