So.... err.... I have a bit of a story today.... let's begin... I guess?
So I was walking to my friend Kyle's house, Kyle said he would fight my other friend Marco, I actually didn't f*cking know why but ok, Marco came by Kyle's house, and in my mind I'm like "Holy Sh*t" They started fighting in the f*cking streets! I just looked at them, very confused, Once they stopped fighting, Marco slapped me, then Marco is all like ' You wanna fight b*tch? ' I'm like "Err..... no?" Then Marco thought I was kidding, next thing you know, MARCO F*CKING TACKLED ME INTO A CACTUS PLANT AND MY LEG SLIGHTLY F*CKING GOT IMPALED, AND THERE WAS LIKE A PLANT JUST MADE OF STICKS AND I FELT THE F*CKING STICK GO IN MY LEG, ANOTHER PLANT IT ALMOST HIT MY F*CKING EYE, ok sorry for screaming... I just freaked out a bit *clears throat* anyway, I limped back home, I'm still friends with Marco.... just a bit more aware...
And yes I know, nobody will care as always.... *sigh* Its fine