Chapter 1

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Third Person POV*

The lazy sun rose high into the sky, signaling the beginning of a new day. The boy sleeping in his boxer briefs upon a shanty roofed diner glared at the sun with disdain, though the world did bless him with bronzed skin that looked as though the sun itself had kissed him during his development it did not mean that he had to like it.

"Why does it have to be morning already? It feels like I just went to sleep." He groaned in protest, curling himself up in a ball and hiding his face with his hands. "Just five more minutes..." He dozed off.

"Ereeeeen! You lazy welp, what do you think you're doing up there sleeping on the roof? You look like a ninny!" His employer/guardian called, glaring daggers at the sixteen year old.

The Omega called Eren glared back at the short and plump chef who was also an Omega that looked like she had been tall once but then flattened into the tubby woman she is now. The only tall thing about her was her toque which was about three feet in height and six inches in diameter.

"Five more minutes, nanny." The boy groaned, hiding his ocean eyes behind his hands.

Nanny, or Nan, was not amused and threw a well aimed rock at her lazy employee. Hitting him square on his ass.

Eren howled "Son of a bitch Nan!"

"You awake now lazy ass?" She inquired, readying another rock.

The boy noticed the soon to be projectile and slid off the roof, landing on his feet in front of the short old woman. He scratched the back of his head, trying to fix his hair one handedly. "Geez, Nan. You didn't have to hit me." He gave her his best puppy eyed look.

Nan, who had seen this look many times before, was immune to it. "Don't give me that look, Jaeger. We both know that if I hadn't thrown that rock you'd be sleeping on that roof till the day you died.

Eren flinched at the remark "That's kind of harsh, Nan."

Nan glared at him "But it's the damn truth, you sleep for days on end unless someone throws something at your lazy ass."

Eren grimaced "Yeah, that's the truth. I'm going to get dressed for the morning rush" Eren walked away from Nan and into the giant lunch box of a Diner. He went through the back entrance and to the cramped "Employees only" room that used to be bustling with laughter from three loud employees now only held two sullen faces.

A blonde boy with hair that framed his head like a coconut sat on one of the diner's portable coolers that they used when they went out for a holiday or a day off. It looked like the boy had been in the middle of buttoning up his white blouse but stopped at the last three top ones and had collapsed onto the cooler.

Eren kneeled by the boy's side "Armin, you okay?"

The one called Armin shook his head and spoke very softly ""

Eren blinked and held his friend close to his chest in a comforting manner in order to hear him better. "What did you say Min?"

The boy shuddered against his chest as a sob wracked his body. "Eren, I have it. The mark, I have the damn mark."

His friend's heart stopped "We-well it can't be a b-bad thing. I mean Annie and Mikasa sure looked happy when they met. Maybe your alpha will be nice as well." Eren stuttered, forcing a smile to calm his frightened childhood friend. "How long do you have?"

Armin clenched his hand in Eren's shirt "To-today is supposed to be when we meet. I got it a week ago, I thought it would go away Eren! So that I wouldn't have to leave you and Nanny!" The blonde wailed as the tears came rushing down his face like identical salty waterfalls.

Eren held him close and shared in his tears "It'll be okay, Armin. I swear to god that if they don't treat you right then I'll kill them the moment they hurt you." He vowed, clutching the blonde close.

"What's the name?" Eren inquired through sobs.


Eren chuckled, cradling his distraught friend "And here I thought you'd get a pretty girl"

Armin let out a sad chuckle "Me too."

After they calmed down, Eren let go of his friend and was helped up. They washed their faces, fixed their clothes then went out to wait tables. All was going well until a strange scent wafted into the diner, a scent of smoke, leather and masculinity.

"Is there an Armin in this establishment?" A deep voice boomed, sounding sweet like honey but rugged like dirt.

Armin held his serving tray close to his chest, blue eyes wide with fear.

Eren stood frozen in walk towards the kitchen, a tray in one hand and his other on the door.

The entire diner suddenly became silent like a candle's flame being snuffed out. Every head turned to the newcomer and no one dared to breath.

Nan finally broke the pregnant silence "What are you doing here, Alpha?" She glared up at the man.

He stood at six feet, two inches in a dark brown leather duster that covered his black pants and cowboy boots. Nobody could tell what color his eyes or hair were because of the hat resting on his head.

The man removed his hat to reveal blue eyes and short blonde hair "I'm sorry to intrude but I've come here for my mate, their name is Armin. I don't know the last name."

Nan examined the stranger closely "What's your name, Alpha?"

The man bowed to Nan politely with his hat in his chest "I am Erwin Smith, I'm the mayor of a town that's a mix of Omegas and Alphas alike."

Eren's POV

I felt my heart stop, automatically acting on instinct I raced to Armin and put him behind me in a protective manner. Every part of me was screaming to protect Armin like he was the most important thing in my life. My eyes narrowed and my stance widened as I settled into a crouch. With a guttural growl I questioned Armin's so called "mate".

"What do you want with Armin?"

Armin grabbed my shoulder "Eren, it's okay I trust him. He's a nice guy."

I growled, I was never okay with this. With having your life decided by a stupid mark on your arm or on any part of your body. "Armin, you don't have to go with him, you have a choice. You can tell him no and live your own life instead of living with this this Alpha."

Armin calmly pushed me aside and went towards the stranger, taking his hand in his own. His eyes were bright and his face was glowing with a smile on it. It made me sick but I forced down the bile and managed to choke out pathetically. "I hope you're happy, Armin."

That was the last I saw of Armin, after I gave him my blessing, a hug and a kiss on his forehead.

Nan assured me that he'd be happy with Erwin while we watched them ride out of town in a wagon from the diner window.

"That Erwin man will treat Armin right, there's nothing to worry about. I looked into his soul and saw the good in him." Nan said while I was grooming Mikasa my black mustang.

I rubbed the mare's head just as she liked it "Sure Nan, I believe you." I said solemnly, now that my only friend left was our childhood horse who we named after our best friend.

I slept in Armin's bed that night, feeling comfort in his scent making me believe that he hadn't left.

That's when my arms started to itch.

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