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We cover up ourselves and fake a smile. We turn out to be just like concealer. We conceal the thing that we don't want anyone to see, the bad, the ugly, parts of our lives. In face terms the acne, the scars, the dark circles that make you look like a raccoon. We're wrapped in our own cocoon. Yes, it's become a routine. We've learned to hide who we are. But, in reality people end up liking us more when we don't play pretend. When we show them who we really are from the beginning. When we go barefaced and natural, it truly helps with confidence in ourselves. Who ever said that you'll make the greatest friends with those who you are faking it with? No one. You'll make the best of friendships with the people that you feel comfortable being completely yourself around. If you are finding yourself faking it and putting on a mask of disguise of who you really are around people that you consider 'friends' then they shouldn't be your friends and they aren't worth your time. If people like us more when we are ourselves from the beginning, instead of playing games of fake smiles, meaningless compliments, and a million worthless how are You's?, then we are much better off not playing these silly immature games. We should be intentional with every question and every word you say to someone. We should be ourselves from the beginning don't hide the fact that you are a massive math nerd or that you love Anime or that you enjoy shuffle board with grandma. Because that's what makes you you. God made you that way and if they don't like you for who you are, then save your breath. So let's stop concealing the things that are a part of us. People, be honest and be open. Don't get into this routine of making yourself look better or different because, that's not you. People will learn to love something that's not you. Then when you do decide to be yourself they won't know who you are or 'what you've become' and they may not like you. So it's better to just be yourself from the beginning. Don't hide who you are, yeah your scars and your marks may not be pretty, but they are still a part of us and that's a beautiful thing in itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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