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"Hey guys! How was physics?" asked Ally.

"Ugghh! The old fart wouldn't stop talking! So boring!!" dramatically exclaimed Camila.

Everyone laughed except Lauren.

A shiver ran down Camila's spine when she heard a stern whisper in her ear.

"Be nice. We don't call people names."

The short brunette turned her head only to be met with stern green eyes. Camila rolled her eyes at this.

"Sorry", mocked Camila in an exasperated tone.

Lauren tightened her grip on Camila's wrist and muttered yet another stern whisper in her ear.

"You need to watch that attitude of yours."

This time the brunette, thankfully, decided not to push her luck and finally apologized in a sincere voice.

Their relationship had always been this way. Camila was the shy and quite one with a bit of a rebel in her and Lauren was the responsible and mature one.

Since the beginning of their friendship, Lauren felt the need to protect the younger girl who was still a kid at heart, so innocent.

Apart from this, Lauren also felt a pull towards Camila. That's not really a surprise considering how beautiful the little Cuban was.

Camila on the other hand, had been the closest to Lauren since the very start. The moment she laid her eyes on the green eyed beauty, she could feel the butterflies dancing in her belly and it has been that way ever since.

Any bystander could point out that the duo shared a special relationship whether they themselves were aware of it or not.

They both took their seats, obviously sitting next to each other. Lauren on the far left with Camila on her right, followed by Dinah. Ally and Normani were sitting across them.

Apart from Lauren, Dinah and Camila were fast friends too which was very surprising considering how outgoing Dinah was. She was the rebel and the prankster of the group. Always the loudest of the five. Nevertheless, the Cuban and the Polynesian took a liking towards each other and were either always giggling and cracking jokes or up to some mischief. Dinah could always awaken the brat in the sweet little Camila.

Dinah and Normani were done eating and were discussing about Beyoncé's magnificent butt. Ally rolled her eyes at their obsession and continued scrolling down her Instagram.

It had been ten minutes into the break but Camila had not taken a single bite out of her sandwich. She kept picking at it. Lack of sleep caused the little brunette to lose her appetite which in turn made her very cranky. She continued playing with her food with no intention of eating it.

Lauren noticed this and placed her own sandwich back on her plate. She tapped the grumpy girl's hand to get her attention.

"Not gonna eat that?" questioned Lauren once Camila looked at her.

"I'm not hungry", said Camila.

"Why not?" came another question.

Camila just shrugged in reply.

"You need to eat." Lauren said after sighing.

Camila looked back down but still made no moves of eating her food. Lauren waited a few minutes to see if the little Cuban would eat on her own or if she had to step in. After seeing no progress, Lauren placed her fingers under Camila's chin and made her look at her.

"You need to finish that sandwich", said Lauren in that firm voice of her giving Camila a stern look.

The brunette bit her lower lip avoiding Lauren's gaze.

"But I'm not hungry", whined Camila.

"Camila, you know I'm not going to let you skip a meal. You can either stop playing with the sandwich and start eating it or I'll feed you", warned Lauren in a calm but strict voice.

Feeling embarrassed, Camila turned her head away from Lauren.

"Don't tell me what to do!" reprimanded Camila with her cheeks turning red from the slight embarrassment.

The little Cuban was usually very sweet. But the lack of sleep made her snappy which definitely did not help with her bratty attitude.

Lauren's glare hardened a little upon hearing this. She wasn't too fazed by the outburst of her young friend.

"Watch your tone. This is your last warning before I start feeding you your sandwich", said Lauren in a no-nonsense manner still glaring at Camila.

On hearing this, Camila turned her to look at Lauren and whimpered, feeling the sudden want to cry.

"But I'm really not hungry", said Camila in a small voice, tears already building at the corner of her eyes.

This was yet another aftermath of lack of sleeping. Camila could not control her emotions. It was really easy to wind her up or to upset her.

Lauren's expression softened upon hearing the little Cuban sniffle. She put her arms around the small sniffling body and pulled Camila into a comfortable embrace.

"There's no need to cry, Hun. Calm down for me please", said Lauren in a soft loving voice, rubbing soft circles on Camila's back.

The little Cuban tried to get a hold of her emotions with her face buried in Lauren's neck, breathing in her favorite smell. This effectively calmed her down but she still wasn't ready to let go of Lauren.

"How about this, you eat half of your sandwich and my small bowl of salad? You can be done then", negotiated Lauren still rubbing small circles on the back of the upset girl.

Feeling Camila shake her head in her neck, Lauren sighed before gently pulling the young girl's face from her neck and cupped her cheeks.

"You have to eat, baby. This is not up for discussion. Why don't you finish half of your sandwich and I'll help you with the salad? Okay?" offered Lauren, not leaving much room for any arguments.

Despite feeling a little disappointed, Camila decided not to argue and agreed to the compromise.

"Okay", came the soft reply followed with a nod.

Lauren smiled and kissed her forehead muttering a quick "good girl".

With shaky hands, Camila took the first bite of her sandwich and looked at Lauren.

"You're doing great", encouraged Lauren who had resumed eating her own lunch.

Soon enough half the sandwich was in Camila's belly and Lauren had a happy smile on her face.

Lauren handed Camila a fork and passed her the bowl of salad. The brunette surprisingly didn't argue and started eating it and as promised, Lauren herself took a few bites from the bowl.

Once the bowl was empty, Camila was yet again pulled into Lauren's arms who kept whispering how proud she was of Camila.

Camila couldn't help but smile in Lauren's neck feeling more than happy with how pleased Lauren was.

Soon enough the break was over and the group parted ways to their respective classes.


Let me know what you think of the chapter.

A big thank you to everyone who voted on the previous chapter.

Also, do you guys want me to speed this a little or do you want me to let it build up?

Let me know in the comments section.

Thanks for reading!

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