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It poured outside this morning before school started. The hallways smelled like damp, musky jackets, cheap perfume and cologne the other students were wearing mixed, creating a much more unbearable scent. The sound of horrid, screechy shoes gliding across the school's  tile covered floor filled the hallways with noise along with loud chatter from students until the bell rang. Once the bell rang, everyone shuffled into their classes, but my friends were not to be seen. I haven't seen them since Tuesday this week. "Now class, today we will be learning about..." The teacher droned on and on about some sort of math lesson, but i wasn't listening. I was too worried to focus on the math lesson. Staring at the clock i watched as the little red hand counted the seconds by, seeming agonizingly slow. Class was slow and hearing the faint chatter of the teacher explaining the math lesson, I  zoned out. "Jacob, are you paying attention?" The teacher asked, looking at me through her glasses. Her name was Mrs. Palenton. she had a bobbed haircut, light pale skin, and a frail look to her.  she never let that fool anyone, though. I didn't answer and looked down in shame at the blank note paper in front of me. The classroom was quiet for a moment before she let out a sigh and continued with the lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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