chapter 2 : the plan and escape

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"Hey guys I have a plan to get out of here!" Said louis cheekily

"We could beat them up" louis added "yea but what with they could kill us" harry said looking at me. Creeper!

"We could use that plan, but with a VERY dangerous weapon!" I said smirking. Fiddling with my purse, I get my buttersock out but no one see 's

"What weapon though." Zayn asked causionsly

I stood up and said "a buttersock the most dangerous weapon ever"

Everyone's mouth dropped as I said buttersock!

I gasped and quickly sat down as I heard foot steps. I put the sock behind my back.

My breathing went heavy as I saw him. To bad your gunna get knocked out *sigh* lol.

I heard niall gasp and so did the others.

I got ready to attack, but he had to interrupt it. "Nialls dead if you don't attack him" I rolled my eyes and shook my head

"Well niall it looks like your going to get shot" everyone looked at me with plead."help him" louis mouthed to me.

The kidnapper looked at niall. I got up silently and ran to the kidnapper, beating him up with my amazing buttersock (amazayn lol!)

Nialls POV

Wow that girl can beat up someone. I want her to be my girlfriend. Weird!

Harry's POV

You can see niall loves her. She can beat someone up if you mess with her. Awsome. Ewww butter in the curls

Zayn POV

I have butter in hair. Soon as I get home, 2 washes and half an hour making it look pristine (pristine means perfect if you didn't no that)!

Louis POV

Flipping hell. She's a ninja. I want to learn trickes from her.

Sam's POV

I knocked him out. Finally.

Liams POV

NO. Violence is never the answer. NEVER!

Sam's POV

Whoops. I thought. Nialls looking at me like 'wow she's so aggressive'. Liams looking at me worried like 'OMG violence is never the answer. Are you okay?' Zayns like 'wow'. Harry's like 'your awsome. Wow.' Louis' like 'awsome teach me

"So are we going then" I said nervously

"Sure" everyone said in a low voice

"What's up. Talk sam!" I said seriously

"Well no one said that you can do that. Why?" Asked harry

"Well you see, I hate talking about it. If I talk about it, it makes my breathing heavy and I got VERY annoyed."

"Your talking about it now" said niall "well I like you guys more than any other people who I hate".

"So you like us!" Said harry

"That's is what I just said. Now come on." I said a little angry

*hey everyone. Like first 2chapters. Huh

I'll update soon stay for more* hannah

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