Chapter 5

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[ Y/N's POV ]

"So..." Jin started off as He looks at me. I just stared at him.

"Jungkook help her out of bed. I'll be going now so I can prepare our dinner." Jin said as he walks out of the room followed by a grumpy Jimin.

Seriously? What's his problem? Why is he so grumpy?

"Ehem" I suddenly look at Jungkook as he look at me silently.

"So.. Uhrm.." I started of didn't know what to say. He just stared at me and go near me. He held my good arm and help me up from the bed.

We get out of the room and took the stair to get down from the second floor. We walked and until we reached the dining room.

Woah! The dining room is so huge!!

I exclaimed to myself as I take a look at the dining room. It has a long dining table and a one solo table at the front of the long table. It also has some book shelves on the side.

Its more like a library to me.

"Oh! You guys are here! Perfect timing!" Jin said as he place the plate of foods on the long table.

Jungkook help me to get from my sit.

"Thank you" I said as I gave him a sweet smile. He just nod his head and goes to his place.

I think his shy.

Suddenly I heard a loud sound of someone walking. I look up and saw Jimin with his grumpy look. He then look at me sternly.

I gave him a smile but he just take off his look to me in a harsh way.

What did I do?

"Okay guys!" Jin said as he puts the last plate of food on the table. "Let's eat!" He said as he sat on the single table in front of the long table.

I started eating my food in silence as I eyed the brothers. Suddenly Jimin look at me. He gave an irritated look.

"Can you quit staring?!" He said in his harsh voice. I nod politely and murmur an sorry.

I don't know why is he like this. I want to know but I just can't tell it to him. I'm kinda scared of him too.

"Why are you here?" Jimin suddenly said as Jin and Jungkook look at him in his sudden question.

"You're not supposed to be here." He said as he look at me with steel eyes.

I just look at him, searching for an answer to his questions.

Why am I here?

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