Lindy's Lies

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                                                                                                                                                                                                Mary was a shy child. She was rather reserved and hardly every spoke directly to anyone. The only person who really knew Mary was Lindy. Lindy was Mary’s best friend. No one knew why they got along so well. They had nothing in common. Mary was small and Lindy was tall. Mary was quiet and Lindy was rather loud. Lindy and Mary were as close and can be. Or were they? Mary had what seemed to be a glow or magic that affected everyone. And Lindy didn’t like that. Mary thought the world of Lindy, and that thought almost lasted forever. One day Mary found out that Lindy had been talking smack about her. And that was the one thing Mary couldn’t stand; a person who couldn’t tell you things straight to your face. Mary didn’t believe the rumor at first, but that didn’t last long either. It was gym time and all the girls were heading for the locker room to change. Mary was taking her sneakers from her locker. By this time everyone was out of the locker room.  There were only 3 people left. Mary, Lindy and Claire (Lindy’s “Real” best friend) Lindy and Claire didn’t notice that Mary was still in the room.                                    “Did you notice Mary didn’t go to Homecoming?” Lindy asked Claire.                                                                “She didn’t, why?” Claire replied.                                                                                                                            “Well I went dress shopping with her last month right? And she got this hideous green dress. I don’t know what she saw in that booger colored thing, but she went ahead and bought it anyway. “          “So……?”                                                                                                                                                                           “Well even though the dress was horrible, I have to say it did look nice on her. But anyway, by the time homecoming came along it turned out that the dress didn’t fit her anymore”                                                         “So she didn’t go because her dress didn’t fit?”                                                                                               “Yepp. But she was fat anyway.  I’ve never liked her at all actually”                                                               “Why?”                                                                                                                                                                             “I don’t know. I just hang out with her because no one else will; I guess I kind of feel sorry for her”        “Wow that is sad”                                                                                                                                                             Mary couldn’t believe it. She was not going to let Lindy get away with it.                                                                         It turned out that a Carnival was coming to town, and Mary knew that Lindy was going to want to go. Mary also knew that Lindy hardly ate anything, she was thirstier, and planned to take advantage of that. Mary told Lindy about the carnival and went. But when Mary was getting ready to leave, she slipped a little black bottle in her purse. Then off she went with Lindy to the Carnival. After a few rides, and a few dozen cotton candies Lindy (just as Mary expected) got thirsty.                                                                                                                                                    “I’ll get us something to drink, my treat.”                                                                                                                     “Okay, thanks”                                                                                                                                                                         “No prob. I’ll be right back.”                                                                                                                                         Mary came back with two cups, one half full and another, filled to the brim with a shiny red substance.                                                                                                                                                             “You have to try the fruit punch, it tastes amazing”                                                                                              Lindy drank the eerily sweet substance. She loved it, but only for a few seconds. The liquid from Mary’s little black bottle had mysteriously made its way into Lindy’s drink.

Lindy spoke no more for the rest of her life.

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