The day we met

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One day there was a crazy alternative singer named Jared Leto and no one knew him cause he wasn't famous yet. So Jared was walking in town with is guitar and a beautiful girl bumped into him and she was the most clumsiest girl ever. Jared helped her pick up her music sheets and said "oh here you go Hun". She said "thanks so much for your help". They both looked at each other and Jared smiled at her and she smiled back. Jared said "my name is Jared Leto what's your name"? She said "It's Ella Peterson". He smiled back and said "thats a beautiful name". Ella said "thank you, yours is great yourself". "Thanks so much". Jared said. "Well I better get going I will see you at the music festival this weekend". Ella asked. "Yes of course I go every year". Jared said.. "Well goodbye Hun". Jared said. She left and Jared did what he needed to do for the rest of that day.

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