Chapter Five

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We arrived at my secret hide-out-not really all that secret, actually-about fifteen minutes later because we walked. My secret hide-out was actually just this little spot in the forest behind the park where lots of little kids and elders hung around, living their lives and peacefully ending them. My hide-out wasn't out in the open, it was actually a little cave I'd found one day while chasing a dog I had been walking for my neighbor. The cave was small, but it was nice and cozy. And clean, if I might add.

I had covered Jess's eyes as we walked through the forest, hitting a clearing after a minute. Jess laughed when I stumbled on a tree root. I laughed when he stumbled on one himself. Hey, we loved each other enough to laugh when one of us made a mistake... or should I say stumble?

"Are we almost there?" Jess asked excitedly, squeezing my other hand. I laughed, rolling my eyes. He had been begging me to bring him here ever since I told him I had a secret hide-out five months before.

"Yes, Jess, we are almost there." I continued to pull him along until we reached the entrance. "Ready?" I asked him, knowing full well that he was.

"Duh!" I giggled and bit my lip, removing my hand from his eyes.

"Surprise!" I told him and he looked around-even though there wasn't much to look at.

"This is your secret hide-out?" he asked, curiously. I nodded. He peeked in, standing back beside me a moment later, smiling like crazy.

"What?" I asked, unsure of why he was smiling.

"You did all this for me?" he asked, putting his hand to his chest, pretending to look like he was going to cry. I giggled. Of course I knew he was only pretending to cry, and he knew that I knew.

"I did it for us." I told him and he pulled me into his arms. "So, you like it?" I asked once I could see his face. He nodded.

"It is awesome." he said and took my hand, pulling me with him as we entered the small cave. I checked the cave about once a week, just to make sure it was still clean. I checked it the week before and it was clean then. I hoped it was clean this week too. "So," I looked up at Jess, smiling. We were sitting on the leaf bedded flooring, right next to each other. "What do we do in this cave?" That all depends on the season. I thought.

"Well, what do you think we do?" I asked, trying to sound flirty. Jess chuckled. Yeah, I had never been particularly good at flirting.

"I can think of a few things..." he leaned in and met my lips, giving my body that tingle I loved so much. I kissed him back, feeling him run his fingers through my hair as I cupped his face in my hands, feeling slight stubble along his jaw.

He was a really good kisser-full lips that felt like butter on my skin. Jess knew this, of course. I mean, he could have not known if I wouldn't have actually told him, but it's hard for me to keep things bottled up; I get overly emotional. But that doesn't mean I'm not good at keeping secrets.

I pulled away from the fireworks, trying to catch my breath. I met Jess's gaze. He was panting just as hard.

"What...time is... it?" I asked, still panting. Jess removed one of his hands from my hair and looked at his watch.

"Shoot." Jess muttered. I mentally thanked him for not cussing like anybody else would.

"What?" I asked, moving my hands to his neck.

"It's 11:30." We had been kissing for ten minutes. "The guys and I were going to have band practice-" he looked up from his watch, giving me a sudden smile. "-you want to come watch us?" I titled my head, like he even had to ask.

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