Hello again peoples,

So, not much has changed with me, im still trapped in this endless circle of the school system with the impending doom of exams on the horizon, and ive just been feeling incredibly anxious and stressed out about everything, and my dyspraxia certainly has not been helping. 

The general disorganisation and chaos of my mind is certainly not ideal for myrevision, and my barely legible handwriting is incredibly inconvenient when it comes to writing quick messy essays in the exam hall.  I'm not really sure how im going to deal with it, but once I have got through the exams, I will let you know how they go and if i discover any advice to give to you.

Anyway, the reason that I started writing this chapter, is that i wanted to talk about losing and breaking things.  This is a common occurence for someone with dyspraxia, and honestly I'm sick to death of it.  Wouldn't it be great if we could just use Accio or Reparo and fix everything?  I've lost several important things, such as my favoutrite pen I got from San Franisco and books that i love, and have broken so many headphones somehow and I just hate how helpless i feel after doing these things.  I accidentally dropped an hour glass of my sister's earlier, it didnt break thankfully, but she got so annoyed with me, even after i explained that i drop and break things on a daily basis and can't really help it.  She just told me i shouldnt pick things up if i think i might break them.  Great, so i shouldnt be touching my laptop right now, should never pick up my phone, should just live in a freaking straight jacket and not touch literally everything.  Not that easy.

Going back to my headphones that i broke- this really crushed me because I really need my music to function, sorry to sound pretentious.  Its nice to have something a bit louder than my thoughts.  For example I'm currently sat here with my spare earphones on listening to Bastille. sat here typing reay is one of the few things that really calms me down. I've left one of my favourite chill out songs at the top if you would like to check it out:)

I hope you're well, anyway :) I'm aware of how short these chapters are, but I seriously can't be bothered anymore sorry to say.  I will keep uploading semi-regularly as i have though

bysie bye

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