Chapter Five

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Finn had ridden off with nothing but his anger to steer him and he was back at the castle before the sun faded into the western sky, just as he wished to be, but minus one sharp tongued princess.  He headed for the stables to tend to the giant horse that sped him back to civilization.  His mouth salivated at the thought of a hot meal after a day trailing after...he shook his head to rid all thoughts of that woman. 

     As he was cooling the beast before him down, a stable hand appeared at his side with treats of carrots and apples.  "Klondike likes  the apples best," he said without looking at Finn, "Will  my lady be along to feed him?  She enjoys the tasks of caring for her steed."

     Finn shoved down the guilt that threatened to rear it's ugly head at the mention of the fair haired princess.  "No, but I'm sure she will be along later." He said as he stomped out of the stables and up to the guest quarters of Castle McLaren.  

     The raven haired  chambermaid that caught his attention the night of his arrival at the castle was milling about his room when he entered.  The blood in his veins still simmered and he snatched her into his arms hoping she, along with her plentiful talents, could assuage his anger at the princess, and the relentless guilt bubbling up,  at stealing her horse and leaving her alone and defenseless in the forest.

     His lips crashed down on hers desperate for the release he sought.  The woman was as willing as she was two nights ago, her greedy hands tugging at his hair, legs wending around his waist as he carried her to his bed and they fell  in a pile of twisted limbs, tongues warring for dominance. 

     He pulled back and stared into the lustful  fire glowing in her muddied  green eyes and the sight extinguished any flame of desire he had in him.  Those were not the eyes he wished to look at him with passion raging, no, deep pools of blue are what swam through his mind.  Hair a shimmering gold fanned out beneath him like wisps of warm sunlight, pale skin, glowing radiantly in the moonlight, those are the visions that had his Boomstick straining for release.

     Finn rolled off the confused maid.  "Get out."  was all he said as he approached his chamber door and held it open.  The raven haired beauty stared at him eyes wide not yielding her position on his bed.  Her defiance only fueled his annoyance he marched up to where she lay, dragged her off of his bed and shoved her unceremoniously  out the door slamming it closed behind him.  What the hell is wrong with me? Giving up a warm body for thoughts of a spoiled princess.


     He watched as the final rays of sun sank into the Western sky making way for darkness to blanket the land.  There was no sign that the princess had made her way back to the castle and it set his teeth on edge.  If anything happens to her...No, she will make it back, she is a feisty one and capable of finding her way back home.  He sighed as his thoughts held little real conviction. 

     The door to his chamber slammed open and Finn whirled around to face the intruder.  The angry face of his father, the Duke, met his questioning glance.  "Where is she Finn?  I set you a simple task and you fail me?  I knew you were only good at thievery and scurrying about in the dark and dank places your likes frequent."  His father jeered at him as he stormed in grabbing Finn by the collar of his tunic. 

     "WHERE IS SHE BOY?  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?"  The Duke bellowed.  Finn held his chin up defiantly and glared at the man who gave him life.

     "She is long gone from this place.  I trailed her into the Northern forest and lost her by the river.  I am sure Lord Barros' goons have stumbled upon her by now, as they were roaming the forest searching for retribution for their lord and master for the last task you set to me... father."  Finn spit that last word out as if it were the most vile poison thrust upon his tongue.

     The Duke's reflexes were much faster than one would think from a man of his years, his fist shot up so fast Finn had no chance to react and his jaw received a crunching blow causing his lip to split and blood to pool in his mouth.  He stumbled back against the railing of his balcony at the force of the blow and the Duke pounced, grabbing him by the throat and pushing him so far backwards that his feet almost left the ground as his upper body bent at an odd angle over the railing.

     "You will find her boy.  Find her or die by my hand, I have grown tired of finding a place for you in my life and the outside world has no use for a failure such as yourself."  The Duke's tone was menacingly low and Finn had no doubt that his father meant what he said.  He was hoisted away from the railing and tossed into the stonewall and as the Duke gave one final kick to Finn's ribs he sneered,  "She better be back and untouched by the time the sun rises in the East Finn, or you will not live to see it set."

     Finn rolled onto his knees as he coughed and wheezed trying to relieve some of the ache in his ribcage  as his anger grew.  Slowly he rose to his feet, gathered his sword, bow and sheath of arrows and stumbled out of his chambers towards the stables.  He saddled the princess' steed and pulled himself astride.  He raced towards the forest, hoping all the while that the princess was fine and exactly where he left her. 

     The moon barrely provided enough light for him to safely move forward and he knew it would be even darker under cover of the forest, but he pushed on, not for his father, longer would he do  his father's bidding.  If he found Clementine unharmed, he would claim her as his, the ultimate thievery my dear father.  He thought with a bitter laugh.

     His ears listened intently as he made his way through the heart of the forest an emotion he was unfamiliar with bursting from his veins.  Fear?  Is this what it is to truly fear something? Fear indeed was something Finn was not used to and it was fear that gripped him now.  Fear that Clementine was injured, taken, or worst of all, lost forever because of his heated choice.

     He had all but given up hope on ever finding her in the darkness, when a frightened voice filled the air not too far off from where he was searching,  "Shoo! Scat!  Get out of here!  GO ON!  GET AWAY!"   He raced forward towards the voice and just as he was close enough to make out Clementine's shadowy figure a movement in front of her caught his eye.  Wolf. Was the one thought racing in his head.  He loaded his bow and as a piercing scream hung in the air and  the beast lunged for the princess, he shot, praying his arrow hit it's mark.

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