Before I start the chapter I want to apologize for how inactive I've been lately. I'm getting back into writing and I'll try to start posting more frequently again.
This is going to be vERY smutty. This chapter will include oral, fingering, and scissoring among other things, so like,,,, you've been warned.
Feel free to reread part 1 if you need to lol
I couldn't stop thinking about my kiss with Tori. It had been weeks since the songwriting session and I couldn't get images of her blonde hair and soft skin out of my mind. Jeremy and I hadn't broken up or anything, but I still couldn't help but feeling like he didn't treat me like he used to.
I scrolled through my Instagram going back to the picture we had posted together. It was taken only moments before we kissed. We kissed.
I remember reading somewhere that no girl is completely straight, that every girl could at least fall under the blanket of bicurious. I don't know how real that theory is, but as I scrolled her pictures it made me feel less guilty about feeling a buzzing attraction towards Tori. Her springy blonde hair was somehow perfectly styled in every picture, and her eyes always seemed to sparkle with her smile. My heart jumped out of my chest when I received a text message from her.
Tori: stalking my ig? ;)
I realized immediately that I had accidentally liked a picture from four weeks ago.
Kirst: mayyyybe...
Tori: lol i miss your face. do you want to come over? i just made cookies and lemonade.
Kirst: i'm omw!
The invitation came up completely out of the blue but I couldn't say no! I arrived at her house shortly and waited anxiously at the door after knocking. After only a few seconds I was greeted with a warm smile and a hug.
"Come on in! The lemonade is on the coffee table." she greeted warmly.
"Thanks!" I walked in and took a seat. Her house was spacious and nicely decorated. "So how have you been? It's been a minute since I've seen you!"
We talked for a bit about recording and touring and red carpets and all sorts of things that still seemed so new and exciting to me.
"So what were you doing liking my pictures on insta?" She cocked an eyebrow as she sipped her lemonade. I felt my cheeks get warm.
"I was just checking in, seeing what you're up to. And the dress you were wearing in that picture was stunning!" I tried not to sound frazzled.
"Oh thanks! I think the color would look great on you, do you want to try it on?" She sounded so excited that my heart melted slightly.
I followed her upstairs and into her bedroom. She opened her closet door to reveal a treasure trove of beautiful clothes. She walked over to the dress and held it up to me.
"Look at that your lipstick matches and everything! I'll step out while you change." She grinned and stepped into the hallway. I was quick to slip out of my casual clothes and into the beautiful dress. In the brief moment while I was undressed I couldn't help but think about her being just through the door.
"Hey Tor can you help me with the zipper?" I called out.
"Of course." She walked back into the room. I faced the mirror and watched her walk over to me in the reflection. The warm California weather allowed for shorts, and I took the brief moment to drink in her silky legs. She zipped up the dress and gazed at my figure in the mirror. "You look so beautiful," she said breathlessly.

FanfictionScomiche, Scolex, Milex, Scomilex, maybe some Mavi, and anything else you guys request. The chapters will range from G to R+ ratings, so I'll label the chapters accordingly.