A Rabbit's Tale

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“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” My alarm goes off at 6:30. “Ugh.” I groan. “Time for school again.” Getting up, I hop over to my back pack. I know what you’re thinking. Hopping? Yes, I’m a blonde bunny. My mother is a Koala, my dad a red robin, and my sister is a turtle. A weird combination, right? We were all humans until an experiment went wrong. A scientist was trying to make animals as smart as humans, and to have people have advantages that animals have. For example a dog’s sense of smell. Instead we turned into our favorite animals. I grab my bag and scurry to the door. “Remember your math homework?” My mother says from the kitchen. “Yes. Bye mom!” I answer back. I run out the door, letting my long rabbit legs take me to the bus stop. I see Elizabeth, a grey wolf, and Tomas, a fox. They HATE each other so they are on opposite sides to the sidewalk. “Hey, Lizzy! Hi, Tommy!” I say. “Sup Rowen. So, did you hear?!” Elizabeth says. “The animal virus thing spread all across the world! There are no humans left!” “That’s a shocker. It was on the 9:00 o’clock news last night.” Tommy huffs. “Shut up or I’ll bite your neck off!” Elizabeth growls she says showing her new teeth. “Whatever. The bus is here.” We walk on the bus and head to school.

Once we were at school, I head over to my friend Cristina. She was absolutely addicted to owls. It wasn’t so surprising when she turned into one. “Hi, Cristina.” She turns her head 360* and looks at me with her beady eyes and fly’s towards me. “Stop doing that! It’s creepy!” I say. She giggles. “Come on! I was never able to do that when I was a human. Besides, if I did I would snap my neck!” She declares. We walk-wait, scratch that- fly and hop over to the cafeteria. The food is super gross as usual. We can’t eat meat any more considering that some ‘people’ are what we used to eat. So they are serving hash browns, grits, fruit cups, cereal bars, and spoiled milk. I take the hash browns and a fruit cup while Cristina takes a cereal bar and a hash brown. We make it over to the tables and see Elizabeth, Natalie, and Denia. Natalie being a black cat and Denia being a Liger.

“Do you have the reading homework for Mrs. Danarg?” Natalie asks looking worried. Elizabeth says yes and gives it to Natalie.

“Hi guys!” Denia practically screams.

“Hi Denia.” Cristina casually says. We sit down and talk till the bell rings.

‘Great’ I think. ‘Time for Math.’

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