Our Group Of 'Friends'

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Dedicated To ANIME8IS8LIFE

One Week Later

*Kai's POV*

I yawned as I sat up in my bed, stretching a little. I got out of bed and started twisting my back. After hearing a satisfying 'crack', I walked over to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and started walking away before...Wait. I looked at my chest and saw how it had gotten, well, a little bigger. "That's weird. It's supposed to be flat. Well, it already was but now it looks bigger than before," I said, as I poked my chest. I sighed before grabbing my toothbrush. "I'll ask Sakura."

After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I slid down the banister and walked over to Sakura who was holding out my bookbag. Her eyes widened as she stared at my chest. "Kai, you-you're chest." I nodded. "It's bigger, bigger than before, too. Those pills weren't supposed to start wearing off til after a month, not a week."

"It's okay, it's nothing too noticable, right?" She sighed.

"The boys will notice if they just stare at your chest, then again, they most likely won't. I wouldn't stress about it."

I nodded and we both started walking to school, talking along the way.

Eventually, we made it to the school, where the boys were up front waiting for me. Well, Naruto and Sasuke. "Hey Kyoko," Sasuke said as I approached them.

"Sup Kyo-wait. Your chest seems bigger." Naruto and Sasuke then both looked at my chest.

Someone then patted me roughly on the back. "Yo! What're you guys doing? You looking at his chest because why?" Naruto and Sasuke then looked at Kiba.

"Dude, doesn't his chest look bigger?" Kiba then looked at my chest and nodded.

"Ya, it does. Hey Shika! C'mere!" Shikamaru then walked over to us with Lee and Chouji. "Doesn't Kyo's chest look bigger to you guys?"

The three of them then looked at my chest, nodding their heads. "Yeah, it does. He's just big-breasted, that's all."

"ARF!" Akamaru then ran over to Kiba, him picking the puppy up and sitting him on his shoulder.

"Hey Aka!" Naruto then started to pet Akamaru, smiling big.

"Wanna skip today, guys," Sasuke asked. We all nodded.

"Don't tell Sakura, though. She'll freak. Kay?" They all nodded.

Time Skip- Two Weeks Later

"Son of a bitch!" I put on a pad after using the bathroom and washed my hands. "God fucking dammit!" I sighed and threw on some clothes. (Pretty skinny black jeans that helped her figure, black low-top Vans, a twenty øne piløts shirt, a My Chemical Romance varsity jacket.)

Since my hair has grown a lot lately, I decided I'd just leave it down. My body has been, changing a lot lately, and I'm worried the boys are gonna find out that I'm a girl, not a guy. See, my breasts are getting bigger, I'm not getting any taller or going any muscles, I can't grow facial hair like them, my hair is growing really fast, and my body has more, well curves.

This isn't good. Also, I'm on my period, so, yay! I can't fucking wait for all the gut wrentching pain I'll have to go through.

Sakura had already left earlier with Ino, who is now her best friend, so I have to walk to school by myself. (All by mmyysseellff)

I brushed my hair quickly and then quickly brushed my teeth. I threw on my snakebites and grabbed my bookbag. I didn't bother buttoning up my jacket, considering it's pretty warm out. Why am I wearing a jacket then? Cause it's MCR. Boom. Sorry...

I grabbed my skateboard and walked out the house, locked the door, and started skateboarding to school.


"Hey Kyoko-wait are you Kyo?" Kiba's face was spread with confusion as Naruto's and Sasuke's eyes were sorta wide.

"Yo, Kyo, you look like a girl. I mean, you just look feminine," Naruto said. (Auto correct kept correcting feminine to demons and I almost left it like that! XD)

"Why's your hair so long," Sasuke asked, twirling some of my hair in-between his fingers.

"It grew, dingus." I then rolled my eyes playfully at him.

Shikamaru then looked me in the eyes. "Why're your eyelashes so long? Are you wearing mascara?"

"No, dude. I just have really long eyelashes.

Lee then continuously poked my non-existent bicep. " You have no muscles, Kyoko-san." I groaned.

Naruto stared at my chest, not looking away. "Your chest is even bigger!"

"Naruto I-"

I felt Neji's eyes on my butt. "You sure have a lot of curves for a guy."

"Dude, stop staring at my butt," I yelled, pulling down my shirt some.

Chouji then chuckled. "Your voice is sorta high."

"Well that's because-"

Shino then chuckled. "Very girly clothing, Kyoko." The guys then laughed.

Gaara then came over and sighed. "Leave the gay alone, guys."

Everyone then laughed except Naruto and Sasuke, who just looked at me with worried glances. "I'm gonna go find Sakura," I muttered under my breath.

I then walked away and started searching for the bathroom. Once, I found one, I walked into one of the stalls and slid down the door, tears streaming down my face. I covered my mouth as I silently cried into my hand.

*Sasuke's POV*

"You all are fucking assholes," I said, glaring at the guys. "You made him upset."

"What? We were just joking around, Sasuke," Neji said. "If he can't take a joke, then he must be a faggot."

"Hey!" Naruto then walked forward. "Stop calling Kyo that! He's not a fag!"

"You sure about that, Naruto?" Neji then smirked. "He didn't say anything because his mouth was too full of dicks." The guys started laughing.

"You're a dick, you know that," I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Sasuke-kun."

I sighed then grabbed Naruto's hand. "Come on, Naruto. Let's go find Kyoko."

He nods and we both walked away from our group of 'friends.'

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