Chapter 1

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My fucking Italic font won't work.
Ahem! I mean welcome to my book. I have cookies, food, and pets. Enjoy your stay at this book :,)
WARNING: Language(Profanity)
It was a perfect day to be outside, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, kids are playing outside. The field of sunflowers, roses, and daisies is were many people come and have a picnic or just to play around. The sun is shining brightly at Y/N, she never really liked being around many people. Or people at all. They'll just make fun of her, some people respected her or just felt bad, she didn't need their pity. Part of her wanted to lay in the grass and enjoy nature around her. While the other half of her wanted to rip the flowers and murder anyone who lays an eye on her.

Narrator P.O.V( Saturday) January 8th 2017
You laid on your stomach on the floor playing your video game. Without taking your eyes of the screen you reached for the bad of Hot Cheetos. You bit into it as you continued to play your PS4. Your father never spoiled you because you didn't really want anything, you had your best friends. PS4 and Xbox360. You had a big brother, big sister and a little brother. Your big brother had brown messy hair that always sticked up in every direction, his eyes were grey- blue. Your older sister had the same hair color and eye color as you but her skin is a bit darker than yours because she enjoys going outside often and gets sun burned. And last your little brother, he had jet black hair and blue eyes, he was 8 years old.

You always stayed in your room playing games, sleeping, or drawing. You had your H/C up in a messy bun. (If you have short hair than you leave it normal). You wore a white shirt and black ripped jeans. "Hey loser, foods ready." Your brother came in  and left. He was always joking, he was the weird one in the family and the one who made poor life choices. He started smoking since he was 16 because his friends made him. He got addicted, he never listened in school and when he was still a teen he had to attend summer school. He's improving but not good enough.

You paused your game and lazily got up.
You walked down stairs, you had to turn to go down the rest of the stairs. The halls had pictures nailed into the wall. Also,  there was a baseball bat near the front door. You walked to the kitchen and sat on the table. Your mother had died of cancer when you were only 6 years old. It was rough on you, you had a step mom named Lucy. She was kind, she had dirt blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Oh my god! Look! There's chips shaped in cars! Look! It goes vroom, vroom!" Your big brother said in a kid voice. He was being sarcastic like always. "Shut up, Alex." Your sister, Autumn(if your name is Autumn feel free to change it.) said chuckling. "Make me!" He stuck his tongue out at Autumn. "Maybe I will!" She challenged. "Okay, okay,  calm down now." Your step mother, Lucy, said. "Sorry." Autumn and Alex said. You just sat there playing on your iPhone. "Hey, no phones on the table." Your father said sitting next to your Step mother. "Oh how ironic." You rolled your eyes because he was calling someone at the same time. Your little brother was at your grandmas house.

"Hey, Autumn look." Alex said as he had his finger next to her face. She hummed and turned his direction and his finger met with her eye. "Ow, fuck!" She said rubbing her eye. You started laughing along with your brother. "You piece of shit!" She yelled continually rubbing her eye. "Hey don't use that language at the table!" Your father said. Ending his call. "B-but he poked my eye!" Your sister yelled. "Alex! Stop the act before I kick you out of the house, you're 22!" Your father yelled.

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