Chapter 5.5

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(Writing in a journal)

Your P.O.V

It's been days.

Days since I've gotten the letter.
Ever since I've... ever since I've gotten the letter... stuff has happened.

I did go to Rosswood park, I did go where they told me but... I had a bad vibe. I had anxiety but... nothing was there. Complete empty with... trees... oh those big green trees that haunt my dreams.

Whoever, whatever 'Z' is. I hope it's a good creature or... person. If it's not... I don't know what to do.

I've been getting sick, paranoid. I barely leave my room. Haven't been in school... in... weeks, months. I don't know anymore. Every time I step a foot outside everything seems to slow down. Either it's... the feeling of being watched or not wanting to look behind me. I know that thing is there.

My other half... hasn't showed yet. It's unhealthy. I need to... relief some stress.

But how? Stuck in my room, always sitting on the bed with bloody tissues everywhere. My family choses to leave me be. Last time they came was... forever ago. I've been pushing out everyone.

My beautiful (Y/H/C) is now greasy, dull, and messy. My eyes that once shinned (Y/E/C) are now dull, and filled with fear. It's like... everywhere I look it's there. The Operator is watching me.

Just when I think I'm safe.  Just when I think everything is fine... he shows up again. Wait... no, no... it shows up.  Ready to ruin my best times. And completely turn them into a nightmare.

The happy, cheery person I used to be is completely gone. I'm just... paranoid. It's funny how some things can completely change a person, either it's someone, something, or an object.

I used to think it was nonsense until it happened to me. This stuff hit me... hit me bad, hit me pretty good.

I haven't smiled in... what? Forever?

You know the quotes like, "Surround yourself with people who make you happy." Jokes on them... I'm in a loop of unhappiness.

I haven't slept in a while. Every time I close my eyes... I see it. I can't, and I won't deal with it. It's too much.

I was once the person who made people smile, if I smiled, they always smiled.

How can I go to... being the brightest person, funniest person, and the most joyful person to... going to the bathroom and cry silently... then walk about like nothing happened. I hope to fall asleep before I fall apart but... I always end up breaking down, breaking down the walls in a matter of seconds... that took me years to build. Building as years go by.

What's the meaning of life? I guess it's different to different people because to me...? It's nothing. I don't think I could... I want to breathe. I guess smiling is... better than explaining why you're sad... right?

What's the point. It's not like anyone is going to read this sad cursed journal.

I feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen, like... a way out of this.

At least my friends aren't dead... right?

At least my family is alive... right?

At least I haven't gone insane yet.

Locked up in this... poor example we call a room.

How can someone hold in... so much things and keep sane.

Maybe it's all in my head but... I was insane since I took my first breath.

Yeah... maybe that's it. I'm slowly going insane. I just need to find the light at the end of this... ugly ass tunnel.

I just want to be normal.

[ Stopped writing at 6:36 PM]

I got up from my little corner. I got some clothes I didn't even bother to care what the hell I picked. I guess I just got a  T-Shirt and sweat pants.

I took a shower, for once. Bags under my eyes, I feel horrible. It's the first time I haven't threw up blood or coughed any up in a long time.

I feel like a accomplished something amazing.

I'm going back to my corner.

[End oF dAy #20]

I guess I fell asleep yesterday because... I obviously just woke up. I'm very... stupid.

I finally went down stairs. Nobody was home. I guess. It's 5:30 AM

Of course, they're out somewhere.

As I went down stairs I heart a loud clang.

I'm not even startled I just hear a lot of things. Often...

I went down stairs and what I saw... I wished I never saw.

A fucking minion toy on the damn counter.

I swear, this would be it if nothing could drive me to insanity. It's so yellow, it's so happy, what the fuck is it saying?!

Ugh, end me now.

Sometimes I have to tell myself is ... it's not worth the jail time. It's not worth the jail time...

You might think I'm insane but... I prefer it as... imagination.

Oh I'm getting the chills again... time to hide. 

Yeah, I don't know. This is just an extra chapter because I'm bored.

Yeah I'll explain everything in the next chapter I make.
And Jesus why did I make you so depressing.... is okay more depressing shit is coming next~
Prepare for the train of LIFE
I'm kidding but, sorry if there are errors. I didn't have the time to go over them. So bye bye have a good day! And please vote on my story. I know it isn't that good because I haven't had the time.

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