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The Church house was never still. From where Elizabeth was sitting, she could hear Kitty singing to herself, John pacing back and forth outside his room, and mom playing with the little ones upstairs. Sometimes the perpetual backround noise was annoying, but mostly it was a comforting hum. Elizabeth scooted closer to the fire. She couldn't remember the last time the city had been this cold, especially in November. When they'd lived in Paris, her brother had chased her and stuffed snow down her frock. It felt like that right now, minus the snow and his taunting laughter. Mom had picked her up made hot chocolate after that.  Elizabeth smiled at the memory. Maybe she'd make them some now if they asked nicely. She considered going upstairs to grab some warmer clothes, or at least a blanket. Maybe she could take the comforter from her oldest brother's bed. Ever since he left for college, his room had sat empty.It was a real shame that the warm blanket was sitting unused. But getting up involved navigating the drafty hallways on the way to his room. She got up, leaving her warm spot by the fire. Just then, a sharp knock at the door pierced through what peace remained at the Church's. This would be the last time they had anything like it for a while.

"I'll get it!" Elizabeth yelled. Not that anyone was listening anyway. She was old enough to get the door by herself, right? She opened the heavy wooden door. A blast of cold wind blinded her for a moment. But when she opened her eyes she saw a man at her door carrying. . . Phillip? Her cousin? The man stepped inside.

"Pardon my timing." He said. "But is this the Church house?" Elizabeth nodded. "Good. As you can see, this is Phillip Hamilton I'm carrying. And he's heavy. Would you be a dear and tell me where I can put him? Quickly?" she lead him inside.

"Empty bedroom. Not far." She led the man carrying her cousin down the long hall. "In here." The man put her cousin down, and she caught sight of a wad of bloody bandages at Phillip's side. She had assumed he'd just passed out from the cold or to much partying. But someone had shot Phillip. "I'm gonna go get my mom. What's your name?" She asked the man bent over Phillip.

"Doctor Hosack. Your mother should know me." Elizabeth raced up the stairs in search of Angelica. The Church family had guest coming in and out of the house all the time, to the point where no one even looked up when the door opened. So it was no shock to Elizabeth that her mom was still upstairs with the smallest Church members.

"Who was at the door, Elizabeth?" Angelica asked, rocking the youngest. "One of John's friends? A suitor for Kitty? Lord knows that would be a surprise." Seeing Elizabeth's pale face, she stood up and stood next to her daughter. "What's wrong, sweetie?" Elizabeth chocked out a quick reply

"Phillip-got-shot-and-now-he's-here-and-there's-blood-and-the-Doctor-knows-you" Angelica's face fell.

"Phillip? Eliza's son?" Elizabeth nodded. Angelica took a step back. "Where is he?"

"Down stairs. In the empty room." Angelica set the baby in the crib and scopped up the two toddlers sitting at her feet. She passed one to Elizabeth. "Let's go." They hurried down the stairs and to the room where Phillip was lying. On the way Angelica and Elizabeth handed the small ones off to Kitty and John. Angelica cut off their confused looks with a sharp glare.No time to ask questions.
"Doctor Hosack?" Angelica asked the man bent over her nephew. He nodded. Eliza wondered how mom knew him."What happened?" She asked, walking up to the bed.
"Phillip was in a duel. I'm doing everything I can, but you need to find his parents. I don't think he has very long." The doctor pulled out fresh bandages and tended to Phillip. Angelica turned to Elizabeth.
"Go find John and Kitty. I want you all to go Eliza's and get her. No, it's not far. Go by yourself; I trust you. And hurry!" With that Angelica turned back to her nephew and began trying to make him more comfortable. Elizabeth didn't need to be told twice. She backed out of the room and slipped on her coat. Hopefully she still remembered how to get to the Hamiltons.
She flew through the streets faster then she ever had before. She dodged carriages, pedestrians, and other odd obstacles. She kept running, letting her feet guide her rather than her head. Never mind the cold, she couldn't have felt it. Never mind the people yelling as she weaved around them. She couldn't hear them. Sure enough, she made it to her aunt and uncle's house in record time. She raced up the steps and pounded at the door.
"It's open!" Yelled someone from inside. She stepped in, barely slowing down as she went in. Her uncle Alexander was in his study. Every time they came over, he was in his study. Mom said he cared more about words than emotions. She could hear his quill scratching across the paper. Always writing.She opened the door and he staggered to his feet to greet her. "Hello Elizabeth. What brings you here? Are you looking for Eliza? She's in the other room." Elizabeth didn't want to tell him. Didn't want to ruin his perfect family. Didn't want to break the perfect silence in his home.
"Uncle Alexander, it's Phillip. He's been shot. You and Aunt Eliza need to come with me right now. " She looked at him, wondering how he'd take the news. Did he know how serious this was? Did he know his oldest son was dying and he was not with him? "Uncle, are you okay?" He almost looked worse then Phillip. He was pale, and had dark circles under his eyes. Instead of answering, Alexander Hamilton collapsed into a dead faint.
"Uncle Alexander?" No response. Instead of wasting time on him, Elizabeth left the study and went to go find Eliza. Maybe she would take the news better then her husband had.

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