Chapter Six

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               Peter and Sheery patted my arm reassuringly giving me It's-to-late-to-back-out-now looks. I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. The man sitting in the white lab coat huddled over his documents spread messily over the desk. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He gave me a quick glance then stumbled over himself to reach me.

"Your majesty, your, your early," he said kissing my hand.

"It's a habit I've been meaning to break," I shrugged pulling my hand away. The your majesty thing I could deal with the kissing of hands, no way.

"Are you sure you want to do this Queen Jessica? Once it's done I refuse to have anything to do with abortions. That is considered murder in my book and this is the last of King Jeffery the First family line."

"Not really if the late King's aunt finds out I'm not pregnant at all that will give people the excuse to have me hanged for "murdering" the King and she will take the throne, then nothing will change for the better. Yes, yes I'm sure. I'm ready for this, now do it quickly before I change my mind," I said feeling a little weird at him calling me Queen.

"Yes my lady, please change into one of the hospital gowns and sit on the table," he sighed. I moved to the table and he grabbed my hand, "I want you to know I think what you're doing is truly something to look up to. It's a pity no one will know."

"Thank you," I said hearing the break in my own voice, but I pulled myself together and quickly changed into the gown and sat on the table.

He smiled reassuringly and pulled his mask on. "This will only hurt a bit," his muffled voice said.

When I walked out I smiled to see Peter pacing again. Sheery gave a little happy gasp and ran over to hug me and Peter looked over at us. "What you were worried about me," I mocked.

He snorted, "Hardly."

"I was. I was so worried you would chicken out. Did it hurt?" Sheery said releasing me.

"Just a little. "

"Was it gross?"

"Kinda, it was....."

"Must we discuss this in detail? " Peter interrupted and we laughed seeing his disgusted face.

"Can we just go home now, I'm pretty tired?" I yawned loudly to prove my point.

"My apologies your highness," Peter paused to give me a sarcastic bow," but you have to go to court with Melissa."

"I really hate that woman," Sheery mumbled, which came as a slight shock to me. She's may be spending a wee bit too much time with Peter. But Jeffery's aunt truly is horrible.

She came about two hours after her nephew's death and demanded she be made Queen on the spot. At first people didn't really take her seriously till someone recognized her as the King's aunt and after that things became a little crazy. She almost convinced them to kill me on the spot, but I screamed dramatically something about them killing the King's unborn child and that put them on my side again. But then she said something about me lying and they went back on her side. But a doctor came out with my "positive" pregnancy test and they came back to me. (They are so loyal.)

Now the country had decided a proper court case for who should take the throne was in order. And she had lawyers, experience, half the country on her side and the actual blood of royalty pumping through her veins. And all I had was a maybe baby inside me and Peter. If I win I stay Queen and she goes back to... wherever she came from. But if she wins I most likely lose my head for murder.

"Ok let's go. Everything's going to be ok," Peter said placing his hand on the small of m back and leading me to the limo awaiting us," not today but eventually."

"That's not helpful," Sheery said frowning.

"It's the truth," Peter shrugged.

"I think I'm going to throw-up," I said climbing into the limo.

"Save that for the court. It'll make the whole pregnant thing more believable," he said ignoring the evil eye I was giving him. He looked over at me and smiled. "Maybe you should get some shut eye it's been a long day and you haven't got much rest this past week."

"Yeah you're right," I said laying my head on the soft seat, and letting the smooth car motions lull me to sleep.

"I'm always right," Peter said sighing, "You'd think you'd learn that by now."

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