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Anna's POV

Thursday, 7:15am, Anna's Place

"You're leaving?" Chris asks in shock.

"I'm thinking about it, yeah." I respond.

"Why? Don't you love me?" Chris questions.

"I do love you Chris, I really do but I'm tired all the time, I'm scared all the time and worried for no reason." I explain.

"Why don't you tell me all these things Ann?"

"Because Chris, I don't want you to worry and plus, I barely see you now with school. I love you Chris and I want us to have a future together but not right now, I've got another two years in school and you've got another five before you get your diploma, I want to travel the world, discover new cultures, be able to speak all five languages I know."

"And we can do that Anna during the holidays and our time off, we've got our whole lives in front of us to do that."

"I don't want to wait cause when I'm done with school, you'll have another three years left. What I'm trying to say is that I'm done, I'm done with being scared, I'm done with being taking for granted, I'm done with it all. I feel like my life is all planned out for me and I hate it, I really do so I'm leaving, I'm leaving for LA in an hour. I'm sorry Chris." I say tears rolling down my cheeks as I grab my bags.

"So you're leaving me? Just like that? Like nothing ever happened? What about Will, Noora, Eva, Jonas, Isak, your family? What are you going to tell them?" Chris questions with hate in his voice, I get it.

"I don't know, I'll see when they ask where I am. I'm sorry Chris. I love you, always and forever. Goodbye." I walk out the door as I cry.

Once outside the apartment I hear Chris shout and start throwing stuff around, don't turn back Anna, this is what you want and what you need.

I walk out on to the street where my taxi is and it leaves in direction of the airport.

LA here I come.

William's POV

Friday, 2pm, Will and Chris' Place

"What? She just left like that and you let her Chris?" I shout at my best friend as I discover Anna's empty room.

"Guess so." Chris shrugs.

"What do you mean "guess so"? Why did she leave?" I grab Chris by the collar.

"I don't know dude, ask her, I'm not in the mood." Chris gets out of my grip before walking out the door head down.

"What's up with him?" Noora asks as she enters my place with Eva, Jonas, Isak and the others.

"Anna's gone, she left for LA yesterday." I reply.

"What?" Jonas shouts.

"Is she like there on vacation or?" Eva questions.

"No, she's gone for good. She's moved there." I sigh.

They all just look at each other in shock.

"This is all our fault." Eva groans and sits on the ground.

"We took her for granted." Noora adds.

"We scared our own best friend off." Even sighs.

"Anna meant the world to me and I just let her leave, I let her feel horrible and hate her life, I let her get kidnapped, I let her get hurt, it's all because of me." I say.

"It's not Will, it's all our faults. We did this, we let Anna break, we were the ones that weren't there for her when she needed us the most." Isak tells us all.

All of us just look at each other before sighing, we never did deserve Anna in our lives.

"I think we need to go find Chris, we can't leave him out there when he's not ok, all of us know what Chris can get up to without Anna." Sana says.

"True. Let's head out." I respond and get up.

The rest follow me out the door.

Chris better not be drunk or I might kill him.

Chris' POV

5pm, Downtown Bar

"But William, I don't wanna go home." I try and push William off me as he drags me out the bar.

"Don't be stupid Chris, come on." Even groans.

"Oh hey Even, didn't see you there." I laugh.

William and Even just groan. Why are they in a bad mood? I'm great, I feel so alive, I don't feel totally numb cause I just lost the love of my life. Nah.

The boys throw me in the back of Will's car and drive off. I start to feel tired and fall asleep.

Noora's POV

Friday, 3:14am, Will and Chris' Place

I hear smashing coming from the kitchen and know immediately it's Chris. I get up making sure not to wake Will and exit the room.

"Chris, stop it, it's not gonna bring her back." I say to Chris as he leans on the counter smashed up plates and mugs around him.

"I know that but what else can I do? The one person who stopped me from being a total dick is gone Noor. I can't live without Anna, I've never been without her ever since she was born." Chris looks at me with tears rolling down his cheeks before falling to the ground.

I run over to Chris and sit down beside him so I can take him in my arms. Chris cries harder, I've never seen him like this but then again, this is Chris we're talking about only Anna knew the real him, only Anna knows the real me to be fair. Just thinking about her makes me sad and I also start crying.

"It's all good, she'll come back. I hope she will." I cry with Chris.

Chris and I just sit in the middle of the kitchen crying our eyes out. Never thought this would happen.

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