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"H pass me the mascara please." I call across the bedroom. I'm currently getting ready with the girls for our night out. Hannah managed to get us fake Ids so we're going to check out the new bar that's just opened down the street. She chucks the mascara across the room and it hits aria right in the forehead, causing us all to laugh at her reaction. I'm on the other side of the room so god knows how it ended up hitting Aria instead of reaching me.

"Ouch." She rubs her head and looks cross eyed for a second.

"Sorry A." Han laughs.

If you haven't noticed yet, we all call each other by the letter of our first name, it's just our thing now. Well actually it was a thing Shannon made up when she was alive and we've just kind of stuck with it.

Shannon was the queen of everything. She was the leader of our group, the leader at school and she pretty much had her say about everything. We all wouldn't be friends today if it wasn't for her.

"J can I borrow these shoes, they're gorgeous." Spencer asks as she's rooting through my wardrobe.

"Yeah sure" I laugh. She always does this, whenever we are getting ready at someone's house, she forgets to bring shoes on purpose, so she can borrow some else's. I guess that's what it's like when you have an older sister always stealing your best shoes.

"Lifesaver." She cheers, trying them on.

"They go perfect with your dress." Aria smiles.

"I know right." Spencer agrees.

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