Chapter 1

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I blinked as my grip on the can of sardine I was holding tightened. I shook my head, looking away from the man I'd been staring at for the last minute or so.

It's not my business. I thought to myself as I tried to concentrate on the shopping I was supposed to be doing. Dropping the items noisily into the basket I was carrying didn't drown the thoughts that Wayne — the actual Wayne Austin was a few meters away from me in a different aisle. 

I mentally scolded myself when I turned to look at him again. He was still there in the pet aisle, examining a puppy bed. I felt myself flush when I noticed I was paying too much attention to his unruly mop of honey-colored hair.

Looking away again I tried to mind my business.

After all these years. A small voice muttered in my head. I shrugged at it. What it said was true. There was no reasonable explanation as to why I was reacting to the sight of Wayne Austin like this; there was no explanation as to why I was still helplessly in love with the man when he made it clear five years ago that he wanted nothing to do with me.

I felt the corner of my lips twitch downwards to form a frown. The truth stung, but it was the truth. I managed not to look towards the aisle he was in for a few minutes until I turned to look for him out of curiosity.

A feeling of relief and sadness took a hold of me when I saw that he was no longer there. I used my hand to brush away my blue fringe from my face as I wondered why on earth he had been doing here in the first place. The last time I heard of him he was working for a small digital company out of state.

I bit my lip, deciding on the rest of the items I was getting before leaving the aisle for another. I walked about for a bit, picking up things I needed at home before heading over to the checkpoint when I was done. I felt my heart beat against my rib cage when I was there because of the sight of his hair.

Calm down. I scolded myself mentally as I walked up to the line. I stood behind him, praying that he wouldn't turn or recognize me if he actually did.

I kept my gaze on my painted fingernails. My fingers were gripping the handle of the basket I was holding so tightly. I watch them loosen then tighten their grip in an attempt to distract myself.

My light plaid black and white shirt were starting to make me feel a little uncomfortable even though the supermarket's air conditioners were on. My sandaled toes had been feeling the chill thirty minutes before that.

I sighed under my breath in distress. The thought of Wayne, not to talk of being in the same proximity with him railed me up.

I had a problem — a big problem.

There wasn't any good reason for a twenty-six-year-old to be acting the way I was.

Since I was dwelling in self-pity I didn't realize when the line moved. I was brought out of my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder. I blinked, looking away in shock when I realized it was Wayne who had tapped me.

"She's done with me, plus you're holding people up," he muttered, picking up the bag of items on the counter as well as his change.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking anywhere but at him. He left soon after, leaving me to check out my stuff with the attendant behind the counter. I found myself apologizing for holding up the line but she assured me that it was okay. When she was done scanning my mind did the math and I realized Wayne hadn't noticed me. I should have been happy about that. Happy that I'd avoided a very awkward situation.

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