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Frisk Hanson:
I was now face to face with sans, a Punable skeleton I was getting used to.((Pun intended)) I felt a rather cold hand on my cheek, and before i knew it my lips were smashed against sans teeth?

I looked into his eye sockets, and rose an eyebrow at his weirdness. That's when I felt something slimy like enter my mouth? I almost gagged but managed to keep my myself, from puking up all of my lunch. I looked up to see sans, his once dark eye sockets were filled with a glowing pupil? Well only his right eye socket, was glowing actually.

I stared in utter shock, as I slowly felt my tongue intertwine with his. I must've regained myself, from how hard I shoved sans off."Sans!"I squeaked, in embarrassment.

I only heard a low chuckle, from the skeleton, before he seemed to get back onto his legs."Heh that's what happens sorry sweetheart"I almost shivered at his pet name. It sounded so familiar? What the hell? I chose to just ignore the cold chills, and instead slip off of the couch.

"Ok well leave"I practically spat. Sans rose an invisible eyebrow, he eyed me up, and down, before shrugging."Well I'm bored"He huffed, now in a small attitude.

"Well come on then lets go find something to do, before you try and start kissing me again"I teased, as I grabbed the skeletons boney hand. I intertwined my fingers with his bone fingers, as I began to pull the skeleton out of the room.

I looked back at the skeleton, and almost forgot how much taller I was than him."Hey sans how tall are you?"I asked."Eh about 5'2 why?"I almost spurted out laughing, as I let a smirk replace my smile."Wow I'm 5'6 shorty"

I watched the cute skeletons face heat up with embarrassment."Aww don't worry it makes you look cute shorty"I chuckled, as I made a grab for the skeletons shirt. I just ended up scooping the skeleton up into my chest, and dashing down the hall.

"Put me down!"The short skeleton ordered. I ignored his threats, and pleads."Shush"I ordered, when the skeleton finally came to a halt of his constant rambling. I smirked when the cafeteria doors came into sight.

"Welp let's go little Skelly"I teased, before practically kicking in the a cafeteria doors. The whole room went silent when I walked in, along with another familiar skeleton running up to the two of us.

"Sans what are you doing with the human?"Another much taller Skelton screeched, it only took minutes, before he was towering over me, and sans."U-uh well ya see I-i kinda-"I stopped sans stutters, when I interrupted the short skeleton.

"I'm frisk Hanson"I watched the skeletons face, almost flush a bright orange, as he quickly nodded."Yes! We've heard of you! Your one of the human fighters am I correct?"Papyrus said, in such a childish voice.

All I replied with was a small 'mhm'. All my attention was drained from the talkative monster, when a familiar monster, crossed my view."Hey!"I yelled, before dropping sans onto the ground. I didn't even care to listen to sans's fuming comments, and complaints.

I took a running start, before practically hopping onto a crowed table. I ran across the long table, ignoring the bewildered faces monsters were giving me, as I finally got to my destination, or more like 'crashed'.

I ended crashing into the monster, which of course sent both of us back into the wall right behind us."You asshole! you never even said Hi!"I was to busy laughing, to notice the monsters expression, turn from surprised to, to a small smirk.

"Well sorry but i wasn't able to"The monster chuckled, as he slowly got off of the ground. I could feel him freeze up for a second, when I noticed his gaze flicker to the other monsters that were eyeing us closely.

I saw sans, and he looked like he was about to burst from how angry he was."Eh what's your problem?"I asked in a slight shrug."Frisk! get the hell away from him, and comer'e!"Sans barked out.

One of my eyebrows rose, as I stared at the short skeleton. That's when a small smile slipped onto my face, being the person I am it just continued to widen."Your funny you know that right?"I said in a slight sing song tone.

"But nah I'll stay with him"I didn't even care to look back at sans, as I smiled up at my friend."What's up buddy"I cooed, moving both of my hands,to place them on the side of his almost flushed cheeks."Did you get hurt more?"

I could tell how surprised he was from my sudden mood swing, but I was used to it."y-y-yes"He managed to stutter out."Good"I got off of the monster, and began to walk back to sans, with a small sway of my hips, just to intimidate the others around me.

I walked past sans, and gently bumped him with my hip to tell him, lets go. I saw sans stumble to keep up with my fast pace, and a slight pissed expression."Eh what's wrong?"I asked again, but this time a little softer than, before.

"Nothing just keep going"I obliged, when we turned the hall to find other monsters rushing to grab boxes from each room."What are they in a hurry for?"My eyes traveled from one worker to another trying to find something I might of missed about them.

"They organize the weapons, and some had gone missing so their looking over, and checking"Sans replied in his lazy accent."Do you know where the weapons are?"I only got a small shrug from the skeleton instead. Suddenly a idea popped into my head, on how to get back at the skeleton embarrassing me.

"Sans~"I purred, from behind the Skeleton. I just loved watching the skeleton get flustered from my tone of voice, and only because he was such a 'Shy boy'. I leaned over the skeleton, and was apparently succeeding when a blue haze dusted over the skeletons face. I flicked my tongue, as I left a small kiss atop of his forehead."Next time lazy bones~"

MafiaTale♡{Mt sans x Mt frisk}♡Where stories live. Discover now