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Life it's hard, I know.

Alexa was never sure how to deal with her feelings towards the demon Finn Bàlor; Or Fergal Devitt.

She's been dealing with a lot of problems in her life, just like everyone else:
she wanted to get rid of them. But instead she'd run away from them, unlike other people: she wanted it to be that way forever.

All your lights are red, but I'm green to go.

Finn wanted Alexa to know he could be her safe place, the person she could go to, Even if there was no reason. He knew he needed her no matter how many times people told him No one needs anyone, they just want them.
he never believed. He believes that people do need people, to complete theirselves whether they're their other halves or just any random person. You do need a person to feel emotions, to feel love, without other human beings, what's loneliness? Something we all will face normally.
What's love?
Something we'd never feel. At all.
What's surprise?
What's joy?
What's happiness?
What's pride?
What's trust?
What's disappointment?
What's sympathy?
What's anger?
What's fear? 
What's sadness?
What's disgust?
What's grief?
Absolutely nothing.

He's waiting for her.

I want you.

He wants her; he doesn't just need her.
He wanted and needed her in every way.
He loved her, he didn't fall for her though.
He fell because of her.

I know you're seeing black and white.

Alexa never thought this world was colourful.
Not literally, the world was full of colours, they just weren't real;
They are there to make us believe the world is colourful when it's not.
They're there to trick us.
Just like people, colours are just like most people. There's no good in them.
People would say there's a reason for everything but what if that was just the voice in our heads; or our belief, we just try to make sense out of everything, sometimes people do things for no reason.
The world is just black and white.

So I'll paint you a clear blue sky.

Finn on the other hand, he knows the world is colourful, it's actually pretty full of colours.
He believed there was a bad side of the world and a good side.
The good side was brighter.
More colourful.
More attractive.
And he also believes all people had good in them.
At least most of them.
He believes there's a reason for everything.

Without you I am colour-blind.

Without him, she's basically colour blind.
She couldn't see the good in the world.
But whenever she's talking to him, she'd rethink.
She's not sure of anything.
But she always thought he was right.

It's raining every time I open my eyes.

Whenever she isn't with him, she would change, everything would change.
It's like she opens her eyes to face reality again.
He made her see the good in the world,
The good in people.

It's to want you colour-blind every time.

Thanks for reading.
I don't know if anyone noticed but every word that's underlined formed the last sentence. :)

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