Hello meh bitches. Enjoy le story. Plz tell meh if i should continue or if i should just kill myself now and give up. Dis ish dedicated to my friends. Not that they'll ever see it but oh well.
Continue at ur own risk.
Ms. Chuña: "Ok students...I brought some guest here today as a gift for being good throughout the entire semester. I know today is that the last day of school so behave properly and also have fun!"Every student in the class cheered knowing that they are finally over with the school year. Once the teacher made the announcement they all started talking to each other. Some tried guessing who was on the other side of the door.
Others tried looking through the small window on the door. But all of them were unsuccessful. They were just gonna have to wait and see.
~~~~~~~~~~^~^~~~~~~~~~~No One's POV
Outside the class, four very important people were waiting to be introduced inside. One of the them, the smallest and the youngest, was eager to go inside and have a blast. While the oldest and tallest was trying to control the ball of energy that kept on the bouncing beside her.
The two middle ones were having a side conversation on who's boyfriend was better. One was the calm and the other was the stereotyped. All four of the were best of friends since 6th grade. Even after one of the moved away after 7th grade, they still kept in touch with one another.
All of them were prodigies. Each one the them did something that made them famous before they even graduated high school. But that's to be mentioned later on in the story. Let's go back to the quad.
~~~~~~~~~~^=w=^~~~~~~~~~Neko's POV
I'm so excited! I finally get to see what this 6th grade class looks like this year! It's been a few years since I last saw Ms. Chuña. She was an awesome teach. Best year of my life. And i'm really happy because its also been a long time since I've seen the others. They all look so professional!
Val: "Oui, Baka! Stop moving around so much."
I turned around and looked at one of my best friends. Her name was Val. But i called her Sensei. She would always keep me in check. And since we're back in our old school i would guess that she would want me to behave well. She my inspiration in what i do everyday.
She was wearing a navy blue classy blazer over a light gray button up shirt. The shirt she wore matched with everything and she had those sensible flats she knows i hate. I'm a Converse and Vans type of person, so yea!
I only reached up passed her shoulder which is why i'm the smaller of the group. Compared to her, i came in my favorite black skinny jeans, and black hoodie. Next to me was Domo. She was the first person i met and made friends with when i first came into the school. I've known her longer than the rest but i more closer the Val.
To Domo's right was DJ. She is the most innocent out of all of us. She's like a pure angel. I met her after Domo. Both of them where wearing dresses and low heels. Domo had a red dress with a gray scarf wrapped securely around her neck. While DJ wore a purple dress with a black leather jacket.
Yup! These were my best friends and i love them a lot. We were barely anything alike to each other. The only thing that we had in common was that we all wore glasses. And we all like anime, i think.
Val: "Neko! Did you even hear me?"
Val got my attention again because i dozed off the first time.
Me: "Gomen'nasai Sensei. I'm just so happy and excited to see our old classroom again! And Ms. Chuña!"
She rolled her eyes at me and turned to the door when we heard the knob jiggle a bit.
Me: "That's our cue. Let's go in!"
I jumped up and down being the slight child i am. I grabbed my exhibition rifle that i was going to use to present to the students. I ran in first and yelled at the top of my lungs.
~~~~~~~~~~ಥ⌣ಥ~~~~~~~~~~Its shitty i know. Forgive meh. Writing aint my style. Anyone got any suggestions for the title??

World-Class Prodigies
RandomNothing special. Just a dedication to my wonderful friends. Four high school students that had been friends since 6th grade meet up again. The best thing is that they're all prodigies. Each on specialized with something that made them a bit famous...