Jund the Idiot - A Snund AU Fic

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A Snund Fic (AU)

Scott's P.O.V.

Here we go, another lousy day at work. I rolled over in my bed and slammed on the alarm clock until the buzzer was silenced. I peeled back the sheets and reluctantly crawled out of my cocoon. I trudged over to my dresser and pulled open the familiar drawer which held my Best Buy uniforms. I draped the clothes over my body and dragged my feet out of my room and into the bathroom.

I followed my every day morning routine; scrub my face, do my hair, brush my teeth, and go to the toilet. It was the same every single day, simple. I then made my way down the hallway and into my kitchen. I pulled out my breakfast makings, and slid together a peanut butter and jam English muffin. I peered at the clock and noticed the time. 9:50. My shift starts at 10. This happens every day, like I said, it was my routine. I didn't worry, since I knew I had enough time. I quickly hopped in my car and drove downtown until I saw the familiar blue and yellow building. I sighed as I pulled into my usual parking space and jogged into the store, clocking in right as the clock struck 10.

Phew, that was cutting it a little too close.

"Jund? Where's Jund?" I heard the voice of my manager, Marty, calling for me. I emerged from the break room and followed the voice.

"Scott Jund, reporting for duty Sir," I said, mumbling my daily order.

"Thank you, oh and please next time you come into work, don't be almost late again, or it's going on your record," he said, giving me a stern look. Hmph, he was acting like my dad. I turned and got to my regular post, the computers. Out of everyone who worked in this store, I was the only one who actually knew something about computers, so I had to sit behind the little corner table waiting for someone to ask me a question about how big of a hard drive this computer has or how much RAM another one has. I literally just spend the whole day surfing the web on my phone. As a couple hours rolled by, a little girl came strolling up to me.

"Excuse me sir, but I had a question about one of these computers," She said, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Sure, what do you need?" I replied, getting up from behind the desk and following her to the computer of choice.

"I was wondering if you could tell me if this computer could play my Barbie game. It's really fun, but my mommy says I need my own computer if I was to get all my games on it," She said, smiling up at me.

"Actually, it can't. See if you look on the side of this laptop, there is no slot for the CD, which means you can't play the game on this computer. If you look at this one over here," I said, pointing at another laptop, "see this one has a slot for the CD. This one you can play your game on. Any computer here that has that slot, you can play your game with."

"Oh thank you very much, sir," She said, playing around with another laptop. At that moment, I felt a weird sensation that someone was looking at me.

I slowly turned around and saw a big man, giant in the fact. He was inches taller than me, with longer dark hair, pulled back with a green bandana. He smiled at the girl, and then me, well if you can call it a smile, more like a slight tug on his lips, and then he turned back to the DSLR stand he was looking at.

I knit my brows together and starting heading back to my little desk in the corner of the section. I pulled out an old Spiderman comic I brought from home out of my backpack and opened it up, scanning through the pictures, not paying attention to the words on the page. I felt a presence in front of me and let my gaze float up. In front of me was the same man as before.

"Can I help you sir?" I asked, putting away my comic and sitting up straight.

He cleared his throat and grumbled, "What would a good lens be for this that can help it zoom in more?" He nodded towards his camera strapped around his neck and dangling against chest.

Jund the Idiot - A Snund AU FicWhere stories live. Discover now