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"Avi, wait I can't go as fast as you!"
Today he thought it would be fun to go rollerblading at the new place that just opened up by your house. You told him you hadn't gone since you were a kid, but he said it would be fine because there would be kids that couldn't go that fast either, he thought he was funny.
"Here, give me your hands." He laced his fingers through yours and skated backwards pulling you along. "Not so bad right." He offered with a smile. His smiles made you weak at the knees and made everything okay with the world.
"This actually is kind of fun." You giggled.
"See, I told you. You just have to trust me. Now I want you to trust me a little more okay?"
And just like that he slowly swings you around, so he's pushing you and you're pulling him.
"Avi, I'm going to hit someone!"
"No, you're not, I'm your eyes. As long as you trust me, you'll be okay."
"Avi, it's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust me!"
"You'll be okay." As he says this, he pulls your hands closer to his chest, making you feel more secure, like he'll catch you no matter what happens. You stay like this for a few minutes, watching both pairs of your feet linked between each other causing a bond as you move as one.
"See, I've got you."
You become aware of how close you are, and your heart jumps to your throat. You rest your head on his chest as you both roll to a stop near the wall.
"I miss you." You whisper.
"I'm right here, love"
"I know but in a few weeks you won't be .."
You hated making him feel bad, because you knew that he was living his dream. He was helping people all over the world with his music. But that didn't erase that fact that you missed him. That when he wasn't there the world didn't spin right, the wind didn't blow as smooth. But when he returned to you, it made it all the more sweet.
He placed a kiss on your lips pulling you out of your thoughts and back to earth. His thumb ran over the worry lines on your forehead and traced down to your neck, where he rested his hand.
It felt like your world was spinning but it had stopped all at once.
"I'm always here, no matter what you need or when you need it, I'll always be here." He looked at you like you were a piece of glass that if he spoke to loudly and touched hard enough, would shatter. "Come on let's go, I wanna take you somewhere"

After about a 20 minute drive, he pulls up to a park, not with swings and children but an open field and nature and a street lamp lighting the world around you. "I found this place last week when I was running, come on." He reaches back and grabs one of the blankets he keeps in the back. Mostly they are for you, because he likes to drive with the air conditioner blasting, but sometimes they are good for things like this.
"This is beautiful. You can see a million stars."
Avi rests down the blanket on the grass and pats the place next to him.
"Think of the stars as me. You can't always see them, they aren't always shining brightly, but they are always there. To listen - to comfort - to be your home."
"Home for me is where you are."
He wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his lap, with your back pressed against his chest. He rests his chin on your head, placing a gentle kiss. Your sadness is gone and your senses are alive. You're positive he can hear your heart leaping out of your chest and feel the slow tingling from his skin against yours. You let out this - almost - purring sound. Because this and he
Couldn't be more perfect.

"Then you will always have a home."

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