chapther 8

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Heaven's pov
Btw way guys corl is over with sketch cause sketch moved on with a girl idk what is her name but a random girl and I will be putting myself in the story since no one answered guys it is never too late
Back to tha story btw heaven is the same age as them but twenty minutes long
     In the morning
I see corl sleeping with me when i woke up then I remembered don't fall for his tricks he is trying to get you to get mad with sky so they can take me well im staying with sister no matter what but i will need a place to stay i go to tell sky im going to go and find a home for us untill i hear a voice saying help i run to my sisters room and see Alex trying to kiss my sister i was so freaking mad i grabbed him with only one hand yes she is that strong WHAT do you think your doing i take him out of my sisters room started to puch him not to hard but  hard enough​ to make him have a bloody nose then i turn to my normal self i just looked shocked i run out of the house cause i was so scared one of my side said i did the right thing while my other part of side of me said i need to go say sorry and leave baby sister sky i agreed with my bright side not my devil side but not now maybe later when i can get them gifts
            Alex's pov
I get up and know that i have a bloody nose sky came to help me so did denis,corl,sketch and sub i should of have listen to you guys she is still ill sky says sobbing its okay sky i say calmly and i knew she did not meant it cause the way when she let go of me she looked so scared her over projected side came over her i say in my mind 
                     when she was running
Corks pov
She could have not she would not she is not bad is she?!

Denis' pov
How can she do such a thing she will pay for hurting an friend

Sub pov
Im speechless

Sketch's pov
Dang he has an nosebleed

Heavens pov
*Ding dong* corl opens the door he looks really angry what do you want traitor he says i looked so heart broken look its not my fault my protected side of me just came when my sister was yelling for help when Alex was trying to kiss her i promise i say i see that sky was there with Alex sketch and sub all had angry faces well except Alex cause he has a smile look i know you guys are mad at me i promise i didn't do it for no reason i would never do that I say LIAR sky yells and the pals started to chase me so they can turn me in again but with the help of my so called UN-natural power i could run a little bit faster only corl could catch me but he was a little close when BANG  i hit a car they all looked scared when i get up they see me as my true form i just keep running HEAvEN corl yells but i don't care if my sister did not want my needs then I don't have a porpuse anymore i turn around running to them but I ran past them and into a cliff where i see the sea it was a  beauty i turn around and see corl denis sketch sub and Alex stopping five feet away corl was the brave one to come closer a little bit each time come heaven he says firmly no its my time my baby sister is not a baby anymore i say with tear smiling oh and denis i say she always loved you... I say smiling with tears take care of sky I say please no... Corl says with tears  I say goodbye corl move on... I say with tears and i jump NO corl screams and that's all i heard before i heard a snap it was my back i passed out bleeding 
Corks pov
     NO i scream i say with tears the gang was holding me back LET GO i yell no corl don't do it shes not worth it! Sub says SHUT UP i yell at sub SHE WAS MY GIRLFRIEND i said crying they let go of me to calm me down but it does not work WHY i say i walk up to the cliff they come to get me STAY BACK YOU ALREADY MADE IT BAD IN MY LIFE SO JUST LEAVE ME AlONE I Scream they leave only one person was there sky... I look down and see heavens faceless body i start to cry again and I get up and jump CORL sky yelled  lucky me i landed in the sea got out of the water and went to heavens body crying i say i always love you heaven then i black out when I wake up i was in the hospital i see denis and Alex where is heaven they look at me she is in the room next to you Alex says also corl when she jumped why did you said that heaven was your girlfriend were you guys dating denis says no but I wish i said sadly well you can not see her anymore got it corl Alex said no you can't do that I.. I..... I love her can't... I will not let you i say they both looked at each other sadly well im sorry corl but your going have To not see her for a month OK corl denis says its all your fault if Alex didn't try to kiss sky this would never had of happen i say pointing at Alex then i fell asleep
            Heavens pov
I wake up i see sky sub and sketch i moan when i try To get up sky pushed me down why.. I mumbled why I  should not  I die i say then all look at the floor where is corl? I say well he passed out. Figures i say well it has been a month sub says WHAT an month i say yeah.. Also you and corl are not allowed to see each other sky says wha what why i mean i like him i don't know about him but you tell me that i can't   see him i stutter well you have to for a month oh okay.. Can we talk I say no sketch says btw your going to be in a wheelchair for a few months sketch says i can wait i say
           A few days later
Sky's pov  
When corl and heaven come home they put corl in a straining wheelchair so that he can't touch or talk to heaven. Heaven on the other hand she was in a normal wheelchair she did not talk she did not need help it was like she knew what to do
1214 words yay

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