chapter 4 - the balloon

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Chloe's POV

jimmy was currently sitting on the couch clipping his toe nails, me, chip and Sabrina were sitting on the opposite side of the couch, me and chip were currently making out, alba and Sabrina were watching TV. "Hey! What the hell?" I heard Sabina and alba shout, which caused me and chip to pull away. " Oh, I'm sorry, were you watching that? Is that why you were too busy to remember you little brothers' birthday?" micky said and she sounded mad "Oh, yikes." me and chip said "Oh..." Sabrina said "Ay bendito" alba muttered. "I mean, at least I'm new around here, you're his siblings." micky said "Hey, don't put this on us, okay? That was Mom's job." Sabrina said "So was paying taxes. She wasn't doing a real bang-up job of that either. Seriously, though, do you guys ever think about anybody but yourselves?" micky asked "She's right. You really dropped the ball on this one." jimmy said "I'm sorry, who is this derelict and why is he still here?" I asked "Yeah, time to go home, dude." chip said after me "Hey! Back off. Jimmy's my guy and I say he stays." micky said "Oh yeah? He's your boyfriend?" Sabrina asked "Yeah." jimmy said "No, he is my guy. We don't do labels." micky said sternly "But I'm-I'm am not opposed to a label." jimmy said surprised. "Shut up, Jimmy. You guys suck." micky said "We never forgot little Ben's birthday before you showed up." chip said and I agreed "Yeah, you're the one who's always babbling on about how you're the boss." Sabrina said "I am the boss." micky said "Well, then act like one." me and Sabrina said "Fine. I will fix this myself." micky said "Yeah, take a mulligan. You tell him it's his birthday this weekend, he's not gonna know the difference." jimmy suggested "See? There we go, Jimmy, that's my guy." micky said "thank you" jimmy said "right what'd you guys do for birthdays around here when you were his age? micky asked. "Uh, well, I flew 15 of my closest friends to Paris for Fashion Week." Sabrina said. "I took batting practice at Yankee Stadium." chip said. "I took me and my friends to England to meet the English lacrosse team" I said. "gross" micky said.

me and chip were sitting in our room on our phones cuddled up. chip was sorting things our for bens party and I was just scrolling Instagram. currently micky, jimmy and Sabrina were going to tell ben that its his birthday. "chip, can you put the phone down?" I asked as I just wanted to cuddle. "Chloe, baby you know I have to get bens party sorted" chip explained kissing the side of my head, "please?" I asked giving him my pouty face which makes him give in. " fine" me said putting his phone down pulling me closer to him. I looked up to him to see him already looking down at me. I was suddenly taken by surprise when he kissed me. we were kissing for 30 seconds when I then pulled away, "okay you got your kiss now, cuddle" I said snuggling into him. "fine, but only because I love you" chip said holding me tighter. "chip, you just said you loved me" I said surprised but happy. "uh, um, only if you feel the same" chip said, "of course I do you werido." I said kissing him, "good" chip said smiling. then we soon enough fell asleep cuddling.

me and Sabrina was throwing pop corn at chip when we saw alba and micky at the balcony. we waved up to them and as we did chip walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Hey, so glad you could make it." Sabrina said " What the hell is this?" micky asked "Well, we decided we couldn't let Ben's name be on the marquee of your crap fest, so we stepped up and threw him the party he deserves." chip said "I thought we agreed I'm the boss." mick said "No, if you saw my silence as agreeing with you, that's on you." Sabrina explained "Well, what happened to keeping it basic?" micky asked "We did. We basically threw the best party ever." I said smirking "Too bad Ben couldn't care less about it." micky said referring to ben "What?" Sabrina asked as we turned around to see ben chewing on a crayon. "Come on, he's surrounded by ten grand in gourmet candy, and he's eating crayons?" Sabrina asked "Yeah, well, don't take it personally, his heart just isn't for sale." micky said "Ho! Whoo! Sully in the house!" jimmy said walking in with some ratty old dude "What? Who the hell is this guy?" micky asked "What do you mean? It's Sully" jimmy said "Sully, who? The Sully?" micky asked "Yeah. I looked him up." jimmy said "But, Jimmy, I told you to get somebody like Sully." micky said to jimmy "No, I know, I heard you and I did you one better. Got the real McCoy." jimmy said referring to the clown "Yeah, but this guy looks like hell. " micky said "Oh, you should've seen him an hour ago. I gave him some coffee, he perked right up." jimmy said "Your guy really came through, huh?" I asked "This is the clown you were so excited about?" chip asked "The name's Sully the Spectacular. " the clown said "Yeah, spectacularly stupid. " chip said "Hey! You're in the presence of greatness. " jimmy explained "It's cool. I get it. I'm an unproven entity. Let's see now..." the clown said as she suddenly had a bird "Oh... Oh! Did you just rip a bird out of the sky?" chip asked "Yeah, he did, impressed now?" micky asked "Yeah, I mean obviously my... That's the dopest thing I've ever seen!" I said "Is that even a trick?" chip asked "Yeah, I doubt the bird liked it." Sabrina said "What bird?" sully said as the bird dissapered and confetti fell to the ground "Ooh!" chip gasped "Wow! Yes! Yeah! Yeah!" micky and jimmy hollered "What? Wha... what?" chip stammered "Wow, is that clown for me?! " ben shouted "You better believe it, buddy. Go round up the troops and meet me in the living room if you want to have your minds blown out of your butts by Sully the Spectacular." micky said "Cool. Hey, everyone! Come inside if you want to have your butts blown by a freaking clown!" ben shouted then children started cheering "Yeah." micky said "All right, I don't get my hands on a slice of cake... " sully started "Whoa, cake's for closers, Sully, okay? You razzle-dazzle them and then we'll talk." micky said to sully then she turned to us "Looks like my little crap fest is right up Ben's alley. Hope you guys didn't spend too much money on the rides, and the games, and all the whatnots. Who's the clown now?" she said as she walked into the house "Of course, Ben would choose a demented clown over this amazing party. Why wouldn't he?" I said "He'll be back. I got a different horse in this race, or shall I say pony?" chip said smirking, "I'm guessing you got him a My Mini Pony?" Sabrina asked "No, because that'd be the lamest thing ever. I got him a real pony. Which saying out loud also sounds pretty lame. You know what? Just, uh, tell everybody to meet out on the front lawn in ten minutes." chip said "no , screw that, let's drop that thing right through the front door and up the gut of her stupid-ass party." I said smirking along with Sabrina and chip.

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