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Daddy, come back, please, you're not dead
This is all just a dream and when I wake up, you'll be there
I'm staring at the door, waiting for you to come home from work
Daddy, where are you? Where have you gone?
That heart attack couldn't have happened!
You're young and healthy!
What if it happens to me?
Maybe you're just stuck in traffic
You'll be home real soon
You're not dead! It's not true! 
Come on, dad! Where are you?
Wake me up from this nightmare!
What the hell is wrong with you, Daddy ? 
Why would you leave us like that? 
Can't you see we need you? We're crying for you to come back! 
Mommy's crying in her bedroom, the dog is looking for you.
My brother is out of control! He's lost without you!
For fuck's sake, come back!
What is wrong with the world! 
God, why would you take him from us and leave us so sad?
What is the point of all this? I don't get it! Tell me, God, what's with this? 
Why is all I can ask. Why us? Why now? 
Come on, God please, 
I'll do anything to have my dad back!
I'll give anything! I'll do anything! I need him!
Please, God. I promise, I'll be a better person. 
Just please, give him back to me. 
This is too much to bear! 
The weight of the world is on my shoulders.
I'm lost and alone! Nobody gets it! What do I do?
I just want to cry. I can't do anything else. It's too hard. 
All I feel is hurt. I just want it to all go away. 
But my dad's not completely gone. 
My world is starting to brighten up a little.
He's all around me. 
I'm never alone, because I have people who love me. 
Millions out there have been in my shoes
They've felt lost and alone
They've thought "Why me? Why now?
Of course 
Of course I'm still not completely whole, I never will be. 
I'll always miss him, but he's always there with me
So I will mourn no more.
I know he's up there smiling at me from heaven and he's never in pain. 
So  I'll look up and smile back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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