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Gazing out of the rectangular wooden shaped window the small flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky onto the top of cars , and mail boxes

I've been remaining in the Wydn's household for about 2 months now , they still have 0 hints that I've been staying up in their attic . Why am I doing this? It's been long , I don't recollect the reason , it must've been important

Pushing my 6 sized foot into the boots I brought along , I had to keep moving

While the Wydn's weren't home , they'd be back around 5 pm and I had about an hour . Gathering my clothes , packing them up and it took me precisely 30 minutes to get everything packed and ready to go

Holding tightly my bags , I whiffed the scent of Dylan's shirt before leaving he always smelt good

looking at portraits of the family before I left ; It felt cozy here , even though the attic wasn't as big as I hoped like the last house I stayed in

Strolling my suitcases down the stairs and all the way on the first floor .

I left out of the back door , that's how I entered in

Then strolled down the snowy sidewalk that needed to be shoveled out . Looking at each side , at every house on the block

none caught my interest , I kept walking and walking

surprised that my legs didn't fail me now . Then I found it , the house I was going to be moving into

I know it seems psycho to be going into stranger's attics for a long period of time , but I need too

Walking up to the house's side , the family wasn't home but the dog was . . . Drat!

I sighed and snuck into the back door , everyone knows the security alarm doesn't go off on the back doors

it should , but it doesn't

I walked upstairs quietly , the rug covered stairs didn't make a sound . Lifting my suitcase when I got at the top of the stairs

It smelt amazing here , like the air fresheners that you'd buy from Walmart , or any other store

Making my way upstairs , it was quiet here . Surprisingly I snuck past the golden retriever .

I softly laid my bags down in a little crawl space and quickly made a space where I can sleep . Then there were candles , I slipped out of my boots putting them next to the crawl space . I folded my coat and put it with my bag and boots

Searching around for matches , taking one out and I placed a candle on the shelf to where I can open my eyes and look at it

Lighting it and shaking the fire out , I'd have to get used to this now



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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