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     The raven haired woman with porcelain skin walked through the gates of a palace. Her nightshade gown flowed behind her as she did. The tap of her shoes could be heard for miles as she made her way up the marble staircase.

     She was greeted at the door by a bellowing man with a crown atop his head. She gave a curtsy and bowed her head in response to his booming welcome.

     This was the night the plan was set into action. The raven haired woman would marry the King and from henceforth she would be known as Queen.

     Years had passed, the two seemed to have a perfect marriage. They ruled their Kingdom with loving hands as the Kings daughter and all of their people grew up.

     One night the rulers got into a fight. When the argument was at its high the queen grabbed a knife from one of the dinner plates and stabbed her husband. His blood pooled out of his chest, drenching his ruffled shirt.

     The queen backed up realizing exactly what she had done. Her hands trembled and she sobbed to herself. Her husband lied cold on the ground, the life drained from his eyes.

     "GUARDS!" She screamed as she wiped a tear from her eye. The two middle aged men busted through the door. "Someone has killed your King. Find who ever did this. NOW!" Her voice shook with sorrow. She new who had done it but she couldn't tell anyone this. It would get her hung or locked away.

     This moment changed the raven haired queen for the worst. Since that day she ruled the Kingdom with an iron fist. She resented her stepdaughter for reminding her each day of the man she had loved. The queen's heart grew bitter and cold.

     Eight months later the queen gave birth to a baby. She couldn't stand the thought of having another reminder of her husband around so she sent the baby away. Where the young royal ended up is a mystery to the queen herself. Every waking moment after she sent the child away the queen's heart filled with dread. One day she vowed to find the child and bring he or she home.

(Hey sorry this is really short but I wanted to get this up. I promise that the chapters will be much longer and better. Please like and comment below. I always love feedback. XOXO)

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