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Sukoshi POV

"Ugh" I said. My head is killing me! Like what the heck?!" Well look whose finally awake!" Said Shirayuki-nee-san." How long was I out for?" I asked her." A day" she said.

It took me 3 minutes to process it....
" A DAY?!?!?!" I screamed. I decided that I won't be a not much talker person to a very talkative person... off topic!

'How the hell did I sleep for a while day?' I questioned myself.*Sigh* oh well. I saw Yuu come in the room with Zen-nii-chan, Kiki, and Mitsuhide behind him." Yo" was all I said. They looked at me in surprise that i am actually talking to them.

"What?" I asked them." Your actually speaking to us." Mitsuhide said." And?" I asked. Like seriously what's the problem?" I'm going to the roof" I said to them. I walked through the castle halls up the steps and made my way to the roof. It was about to be sunset too. So I'm lucky at the time because I think that sunsets are really beautiful.

I heard the door open and so I turned around although I knew who it was already. Yuu." Hey" he said to me." Hey" I replied back. I turned back around to watch the sunset. I heard him walk towards me until he stoped and stood next to me.

(A/m by the way they are teenagers while Shirayuki and them are 20-30 years old.)

I looked at him and blushed. He looked at me while I looked at the sunset. I smiled and closed my eyes.
"Sukoshi?" Yuu said." Hmm?" I replied now looking at him. He looks nervous and flustered for some reason? I wonder why.

He took a deep breath and stared at me in the eyes. He looks serious too. I'm not sure if I'm going to like this.

"Sukoshi through out the years that I've know you for I have been developing feelings. Feelings for you. And I wanted to tell you these feelings for so long and I don't know where to start but... I will say these three words...

"I love you"

( hello everyone!!! Hikari_senpai here! And thank you all for the votes as well as reads!!! I am so thankful!!! So this is just a fuller but I will upload and if anyone wants to they can help me with this story! As well as my other stories too!!! Sorry for the late update but I am so happy!!! And by the way I hope you like how Sukoshi looks like in the picture!!! I edited it bit the dress was already there! As well as the figure but there was no color or face of hair so I drew it! As well as the background!!! I hope you like! Well I will be back soon!!! JA NE MINNA-SAAAAAAN!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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