Chapter 1 The zombies Strike

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It was a normal day at home in Santa Cruz, CA. Violet and her boyfriend were laying on the couch together. Violet got up to go get a bowl of ice cream. She stopped short to look out the window. The clouds loomed over the sky and stretched all the way across. "Hmmm, looks like another gloomy day inside." She said to herself. They lived in a nice one story house, big enough for the both of them.

It had an ocean-view balcony and was painted all white with black furniture. As violet started walking over to the fridge, she could already hear Andy begin to snore away, he had been working all night the night before and was obviously tired. She got the big tub of Cookies n' cream ice cream and began eating it with a spoon as she walked back to the couch where Andy was. He was all over the couch, he had one foot on the floor and the other in her seat of the couch. His face was upwards so Violet put a little ice cream on his nose to see if he would wake up but he didn't. She sat down and turned the TV on the news channel and a reporter said, "There has been a zombie outbreak and their headed to Santa Cruz, California and other coastline cities and towns, everyone please evacuate the ar..." She was interrupted by a zombie coming in and taking her down. Violet sat and stared at the screen. 'This must be some sick joke or something.' She thought in her head. Violet shook Andy to wake him up, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna take out the trash real quick." She told him as she got up and walked back to the kitchen. Violet grabbed the overflowing garbage bag and started walking outside.

After she got outside and put the bag in the garbage can, she turned around to see a zombie right there, she screamed as the zombie swiped the air for her head. Violet ducked the swing, spun around and kicked the zombies legs and made it fall to the floor. She got a rock from the front yard and began beating the zombies face with it. Andy walked outside rubbing his eyes and when he got to the top of the driveway and saw Violet at the end of the driveway he screamed, "What the fuck is that?!" As he got closer he could clearly see it was a real zombie and he was stunned. He seriously didn't think he would ever see a zombie in his life. It was a frightening sight, I mean he walked outside to his lovely, beautiful girlfriend beating the crap out of a zombies face with a rock, that would scare anyone out of their minds. "Thats what you get motherfucker!!" Violet said as if the zombie could hear her.

She spun around to see Andy standing there staring at her with his mouth wide open like he saw a zombie or something.... Ummm yea he kinda did soo.. "Oh hi.. Did you see all that??" She asked his as she came closer, wiping the zombie blood off her forehead.

"Oh just a little.. or kindof alot.." Andy mumbled.

They both went inside and just kinda sat there thinking about what to do next, Zombies were actually there. They were actually real and actually gonna eat peoples freaking brains. "So............" Violet started. "You need to be prepared to fight cuz the zombies aren't gonna be happy being outside for long." Violet said.

"I dunno bout' that babe, I like using guns more than actual fighting." Andy said.

She walked over to the closet and opened the door. "Choose your weapon then." She said with a badass smile on her face. He walked into the closet full of every weapon known in the world.

"How long has this been here?!" He asked.

"Oh it's always been here. Always." Violet said as she smiled and started messing with the pocket knife, flipping it around and stuff. She threw it at the wall and walked out of the room as Andy followed.

"So what do we do now?" Andy asked her. She stopped and looked at the ground then at him.

"We fight, and stay alive. Were gonna make it out of this. Together." She said. As she was talking Andy heard something outside the door so he walked over to the peek-hole and looked. There was a zombie scratching at the door.

Andy got his bat and walked back to the door. "Your gonna open the door and I'm gonna get the zombie, kay?" He said. Violet nodded in agreement. She had her hand on the door knob and she slowly turned it. Once she opened the door the zombie was facing the street and its back was towards them. Violet kicked the zombie down to the ground and Andy went out and started beating it to make sure it was dead.

After that zombie was gone and taken care of, they started boarding up all the windows and doorways to the house so no zombies could get inside. It seemed pretty secure. Once they were finally finished, They were both exhausted and laid down to go to sleep. Andy sat up with is arms wrapped around Violet as she rested her head on his stomach. He couldn't sleep. He wanted to stay awake to make sure Violet would be safe while she slept. He knew she could defend herself, but he still couldn't take any chances of her getting hurt.

Violet was 18. She has a Black lip piercing and had bright violet eyes, thats why everyone calls her Violet. She had a pretty broken family growing up. Her parents were taken away from her when she was a child because they didn't take care of her. So her uncle took her in. She moved in with her uncle when she was about 5 so she doesn't remember much about her actual parents. All she knows are stories and pictures she's burned. Violet could honestly care less about her family. Her uncle taught her everything she knows. He was a secret agent for the US and died on a mission after defeating a muslim army with only his sword and ninja stars. He passed away form a disease he got from being there. Violet took care of him until his last breathe. That experience only made her stronger though. She knew she was strong enough to do anything she needed to do. Andy kept her off the edge at times when she would forget that. Violet is a wounded soldier. And she's coming for those fucking zombies.

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