The Teaser

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Rory gave a grunt as he was shoved back into the chair by the voluptuous girl in front of him. Her golden-flecked green eyes narrowed as she slowly ran her tongue across her lips and brushed her free hand through her vivid rainbowtastic hair. 

"Rorryyyy," she purred. 

"Yes," he replied huskily.

"I hate you...."

"I love you too...Wait! What!?"

"Why'd you volunteer for that glorified science project...It's dangerous..amongst other thing."

"How'd you find out?" groaned Rory as the his stomach did somersaults and his heart sank like it was the freaking Titanic.

"SHUT UP and listen to me! Aren't you a freak enough already!?"

Rory's heart sank further with any hopes of recovery to stay afloat abandoned, though he couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly as he knew her words to be true. 

Rory gave a sad sigh as he took a swig of ale - the cheap crappy kind at that. Meh. He was half-Irish and  half-German. He knew good booze when he drank it and this certainly did not hit the mark. It was too bitter, like him - ironically so. 

He missed her. Oh Good God, did he ever miss her. He longed for her kiss. Her touch. Her entire being. But she wanted nothing to do with him. Not anymore. This truth was more painful than anything he experienced, including his own grotesque transformation. Things weren't supposed to be like this. Why did things have to be like this? So very wrong. Dangerous. Unhinged. He bit his lip til it bled to keep the stoic look on his face. He looked forward to the day he stopped yearning, stopped feeling - he would welcome that numbness as if it were his new lover. 

"Tomorrow's the day...."

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Will you miss me?"


Rory chuckled as he ran a hand down her cheek, "Don't lie to me..."


"I'll miss you too," he said with a grin as he gave her a peck on the cheek. His ears perked up as a familiar song graced his ears. He smiled at her knowing fully well she heard it too. This time she smiled back. They danced.  Slowly. Intimately. Intertwining into one fluid being. This would be the last time she ever smiled at him..

The strong odor of marijuana danced around Rory's nose as he closed his eyes and savored it, letting his muscles relax ever so slightly from their nearly consistently tense state. He was always the wild child. The untamed one. He was never much of a hardcore druggie though. He hated to think that anything, much less a substance, could control him. Heh. Then he met her. Sultry and seductive. Beautiful and exotic. He couldn't resist her. She was his first true drug - his most perfect addiction. The untamed one he was no more.. Until she was gone that is. Only this time his unadulterated lifestyle had a body count... and it just keeps going up. Withdrawal sure is a bitch.

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